Sun and the wind were good friends. At first he shonevery gently. Have your chance first." Here are some pictures that show parts of the story. 0000004868 00000 n
Story -THE WIND AND THE SUN-Reading comprehension activity ID: 1300913 Language: English School subject: English as a ... Main content: Reading comprehension Other contents: Add to my workbooks (1) Download file pdf Embed in my website or blog Add to Google Classroom Add to Microsoft Teams Share through Whatsapp: Link to this worksheet : Copy: caromaidana Finish!! The Wind from the Sun (ISBN 0-15-196810-1) is a 1972 collection of science fiction short stories by British writer Arthur C. Clarke. 0000237379 00000 n
Each one thought that they were the strongest and most powerful person in the world. 0000236762 00000 n
Title: The Wind and The Sun 1 The Wind and the Sun By Sirhan PLAY 2. He smiled up at the sun, glad that the horrid cold wind had died down. 0000004003 00000 n
Do you agree?" 0 Comment . !When the Wind was blowing. While they were disputing with much heat and bluster, a Traveler passed along the road wrapped in a cloak. 27 pages. Suddenly they saw a traveller coming down the road, and the Sun said: “I see a way to decide our dispute. 3. **** It was now the turn of the sun. All the stories story lead to a particular moral lesson. The sun won in the end. The wind boasted "I am stronger than you." oThe Sun’s voice might sound. ‘We’ll have to put our strength to the test. Act out the play, “The Wind and the Sun” in class. 0000000856 00000 n
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Character: The main characters are often named in the title (The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse, The North Wind and the Sun, etc) and they are also frequently animals, another subtle way of signalling the fi ctional, ‘fabu- Both argued about who was the strongest and powerful. ? A few minutes later he was beginning to feel too warm and took his coat right off and sat down at the side of the road to enjoy the sun for a … you are not". “If you don’t believe me let’s have a competition," said the wind. But the harder the wind blew down the road, the tighter the shivering man clung to his coat. Suddenly they saw a traveller coming down the road. The Wind pouted, huffed and puffed, but eventually, he accepted his defeat. Do you agree?" Spotting a man man traveling on the road, they sported a challenge to see which one could remove the coat from the man's back the quickest. It blew harder and harder. The Wind and the Sun were disputing which was the stronger. A . The sun replied, "But there is one even mightier than I: the cloud, for he is able to cover my brightness entirely." Download The North Wind And The Sun PDF/ePub or read online books in Mobi eBooks. The wind boasted “I am stronger than you”. Writing creative short stories is an art. But the stronger he blew his cold and bellowing winds, the tighter the shivering man held his coat around his body.At last,exhausted, the North Wind gave up. Place pictures in front of student in order 1 to 4. 2. This week I just finished a storytelling slider and wheel craftivities for "The Wind & the Sun". 0000257055 00000 n
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"Very well," growled the North Wind, and at once sent a cold, howling blast against the Traveler. 39 0 obj <>
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Thetraveler started to feelhot. Let me tell you a story about The Sun and the Wind agreed that whoever could separate the traveller from his shawl was stronger. no page number in the book. move the story on because the all-important moral is most clearly evident in what the main characters do and say. 117.Short Story: The Sun and the Wind. It is a testament to how important the family is in the Hawaiian and Polynesian culture. The Wind and the Sun were arguing about which was the stronger. He was wearing a coat. 0000005318 00000 n
!When the Sun first came out. Today I am going to tell you the story of Sun and the Wind. The wind claimed that he was stronger than the sun, whereas, the sun disagreed saying that he was more powerful than the wind. The sun said, “I know how we can measure our strength. You begin." the sun, the wind, the rain), which are given human qualities. "Let us agree," said the Sun, "that he is the stronger who can strip that Traveler of his cloak." The North Wind and the Sun had a quarrel about which of them was the stronger. 0000001064 00000 n
A fable is a story which has a moral or a lesson in it. The Wind and the Sun were disputing which was the stronger. D�H�ٓ��Wfx��(���5%"|��xK�.���V��fE�t>wد�@}�g��V�x���Ax`%L�>�2���w�B�,��SA����s�^�Ƚ�j�rCw��0(|9�GT���x�9w?bp�^��H? Make paper masks for the Sun and the Wind using coloured chart paper. Whichever of us can cause that traveller to take off his cloak shall be regarded as the stronger. The Sun mask is bright yellow in colour. It was so cold, he was wearing a heavy winter coat to keep warm. The wind blew harder and harder, and the _____ the wind blew, the _____ the man wrapped his jacket around him. This is one of the many amazing short bedtime stories for kids. Whichever of us can cause that traveller to take off his cloak shall be regarded as the stronger. Title: The Wind and The Sun 1 The Wind and the Sun By Sirhan PLAY 2. ‘There’s only one thing for it,’ said the North Wind. oThe Sun’s voice might sound. Ultimately, the man felt obliged to remove the coat. Just at that moment they saw a traveler walking across the road. So, the wind failed. Both said they were stronger than the other. Some of the stories originally appeared in a number of different publications. ‘Go on then,’ said the Sun. Just then, they saw an old man wrapped in a blanket passing by. But the man instead of removing his coat, wrapped it more and more. Ask the children if they know Aesop’s fable The Wind and the Sun. Soon they started calling each other ill names. “No, you are not,” said the Sun. ‘We’ll have to put our strength to the test. 3. The Sun and the Wind Vocabulary nouns valley coat verbs arguing blow burn adjectives strong dry heavy 1 Characters Setting The Sun The Wind Scene 1: In the sky. 0000253128 00000 n
Everybody can take turns to be the Wind, the Sun or the Man. Finally, the wind was exhausted and gave up.
But the man _____ his jacket around him tightly. But the harder he blew, the tighter the traveller gripped the shawl to his body. 0
Here are some pictures that show parts of the story. h�bbd``b`� The wind blew harder and harder, and the _____ the wind blew, the _____ the man wrapped his jacket around him. “I will let you try first.”- The Sun said to the Wind. !At the beginning of the story. A part of the book was included in CD on board … endstream
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The world was filled with dust and leaves. H��Wk��F�����d�����t�n��TQ��*m���m��-�˹�{gf2}L 1 ‘Easy, I can do that in no time,’ boasted the Wind. The wind from the Sun: an introduction ‘First accumulate a mass of Facts: and then construct a Theory.’ That, I believe, is the true Scientific Method. Once the wind and sun decided to compete and see who is more effecient than other. Act out the play, “The Wind and the Sun” in class. 5. no page number in the book. I sat up, rubbed my eyes, and began to accumulate Facts. It became hotter and hotter. It was an autumn day. Everybody can take turns to be the Wind, the Sun or the Man. Tell the Aesop's Fable of the Wind and the Sun with these story cards. The sun mildly said "No.
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Whichever of us can cause that traveller to take off his cloak shall be regarded as the stronger. You can go first.’ The wind agreed. He blew with all his might to tear the travellers shawl from his shoulders. Suddenly they saw a traveller coming down the road, and the Sun said: “I see a way to decide our dispute. “I am stronger than you,” said the Wind. oThe Sun might move. Also, read The North Wind And The Sun. It was an autumn day. Aesop (620–564 BCE) was a storyteller that was believed to have lived in Ancient Greece. The North Wind and the Sun were disputing which was the stronger when a traveller came along wrapped in a warm cloak. Directions: Fill in the blanks with words that best complete the story. ‘All weather is strong,’ said the wind, ‘but I am the strongest of all. oThe Wind might move. ��� %PDF-1.6
Leadership, organization, and history With 189 member countries, staff from more than 170 countries, and offices in over 130 locations, the World Bank Group is a unique global partnership: five institutions working for sustainable solutions that reduce poverty and build shared prosperity in developing countries. Directions: Fill in the blanks with words that best complete the story. The traveler felt cold. A long, long time ago, the Sun and the North Wind would argue over who was the greatest power in the universe. %PDF-1.4
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Click Here To Download The North Wind and The Sun Story in PDF Once upon a time, The North Wind had a quarrel with The Sun about The Strength in each other. The sun mildly said "No. The … That doesnt mean you are more powerful; 5 The wind boasted "I am stronger than you." Each thought he was stronger than the other. fable. The wind began. 0000258299 00000 n
Aesop's Fables . Answer: Here are the two sentences about the Sun Mask: 1. They saw a traveler along the road. The sun just smiled. Use flashcards or body language to present the heroes of the fable. The wind began to blow and blow very hard. The wind and the sun had an argument. 0000004475 00000 n
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Once the Wind and the Sun had an argument. You will need to listen carefully because when the story has fi nished, I’m going to ask you to tell it to me. Click the Play button. 48 Unit 4: The Wind and the Sun Unit 4: The Wind and the Sun 3. He blew strong gusts of air, so … H��� PSw�;�p{��XEV�Z�V]t�c�[�J�u�UG��c�zSk��jg[�u���:�*��o�B= ��M�b�D}�*��;�F�9�W��-f�G=�g Whichever of us can cause that traveller to take off his cloak shall be regarded as the stronger. Then it was Sun’sturn. The wind said, "Whoever separates the blanket from traveller is the stronger. The Sun and the North Wind (Time – 2:01) Once upon a time, the North Wind and the Sun had an argument. The wind lost and the sun won. You begin.” So the Sun retired behind a cloud, and the Wind began to blow as hard as it could upon the traveller. By admin | August 1, 2020. Welcome to Story It: A resource site for teachers, parents, and home schoolers. You can download this Moral story in PDF format at ilmihub. The Sun said: “I see a way to decide our argument. 2199 0 obj
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The North Wind and the Sun by Aesop, adapted by Kevin Stone Plays, The Drama Magazine for Young People Characters NARRATOR WIND SUN GRASSHOPPER FLOWER MAN 1 NARRATOR: This is the story of the North Wind and the Sun, who were both very strong, and how they decided who was stronger. History: Credits: Contact: The Wind and the Sun Illustrated by Kwang Dong . %%EOF
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It began to shine. “How cold it is!”- The man to himself. )8�$%�� V�%���ܙ:��l�Vz��y�|ʓ�N�U�����6�bR��%$ 0000001229 00000 n
‘The Wind and the Sun’. The wind tried first. Then, the Sun came out from behind a cloud. Both of them were firm at their own opinions and were not ready to move. short jataka tales Image Source “I am stronger than you” said the wind. 2. 1.Now I want you to retell the fable to me. !When the Sun first came out. !ճ,�P��F#�a$�9_3�Z�$J�d'� The Wind and the Sun were disputing which was the stronger. Best 3 Moral Stories for Kids: So, thetraveler loosened hiscloak from his neck. �A66N/ADP�]9w��B��8uu���e�y��Y�ߙ{%�4K
ksU�C��|�5���D���-~�\���-f�'��� ���;~���7 The wind blew gusts of air so _____ that the man could not walk. Both were thinking that they are more powerful. 2225 0 obj
Each of them claimed to b e the stronger than the other. You begin.” So the Sun hid behind a cloud, and the Wind began to blow as hard as it could upon the traveler. While they were disputing with much heat and bluster, a Traveler passed along the road wrapped in a cloak. Click Download or Read Online button to get The North Wind And The Sun book now. 6. t I can take off his c 2. I am the strongest , Ive uprooted huge trees and drowned millions of ships Said the wind; 4 The sun just smile warmly. THE WIND AND THE SUN SUPPLIES transparency made from The Wind and the Sun Activity Sheet A (see Step 1) copies of The Wind and the Sun Activity Sheet B on heavy paper (1 per student) crayons scissors plastic drinking straws tape ACTIVITY 1. 0000258189 00000 n
Can the Wind make the Man take off his coat? You begin." 0000003688 00000 n
Suddenly they realized that their … The sun started shining hard to get the man’s coat off. The Sun and the North Wind (Time – 2:01) Once upon a time, the North Wind and the Sun had an argument. The North Wind and the Sun had a quarrel about which of them was the stronger. 0000002224 00000 n
You begin.” So the Sun retired behind a cloud, and the Wind began to blow as hard as it could upon the traveller. Let us have a competition to prove this. The Wind thinks he is stronger than the Sun. You begin.” So the Sun retired behind a cloud, and the Wind began to blow as hard as it could upon the traveller. He looked at the man and began to gently shine upon the path the man was walking on. The Contest Between the Sun and the Wind 4 of 9 Follow Up Activities: Act It Out Directions: •Ask students how: oThe Wind’s voice might sound. Just then they saw a man wearing a jacket passing by. They saw a man traveling on the road and decided to make a test to see which was stronger and able to get the man’s coat off. Whichever of us can cause that traveller to take off his cloak shall be regarded as the stronger. Ask the children if they know Aesop’s fable The Wind and the Sun. 1. 0000252490 00000 n
My students really enjoy this simple and short genre, which makes the fables perfect for practicing a variety of standards, particularly sequencing and retelling a story. We’ll have a competition.’ He pointed to a traveller, walking along a road far below them, on the face of the world. The wind told Sun “I am stronger than you". Just then, they saw a traveller wrapped in a blanket was passing by. Of course, this was a friendly argument, but there seemed to be no end to if. oThe man might move. ! Whichever of us can cause that traveller to take off his cloak shall be regarded as the stronger. The Wind looked where the Sun was pointing. Now write two sentences about one of the masks. is a brief story intended to teach a moral lesson. It began to blow.By-and-by it gained speed. 0000001828 00000 n
The sun reluctantly agreed. Now it was the turn of the sun to try its strength. The Contest Between the Sun and the Wind 4 of 9 Follow Up Activities: Act It Out Directions: •Ask students how: oThe Wind’s voice might sound. Make paper masks for the Sun and the Wind using coloured chart paper. Thus he went to the sun, whom he held to be the mightiest being of all, and asked for the hand of his daughter. We’ll have a competition.’ He pointed to a traveller, walking along a road far below them, on the face of the world. The Wind took the first turn. oThe Sun might move. T-Series Kids Hut Recommended for you. So don’t think how to write a short story outline because we are giving story writing tips for beginners along with short story examples for high school and story writing topics. So the Sun retired behind a cloud, and the Wind began to blow as hard as it could upon the traveller. One day there was an argument between the wind and the sun. History of the Short Story. They saw a man traveling on the road and decided to make a test to see which was stronger and able to get the man’s coat off. THE WIND AND THE SUN - Kids Hut English Stories || The Sun & The Wind - Traditional English Story - Duration: 7:39. A man was walking down the road. That doesnt mean you are more powerful; 5 A fable is a story which has a moral or a lesson in it. The Wind and the Sun were disputing which was the stronger. I cannot get his coat off!”- The Wind to the Sun… mountains, lakes, stones) or forces of nature (e.g. $[@�7@����Pa@B�$�$D> fk�H�/ ��M|S@bg��-H�H�ļ��+�2�� H$%9�@v00��W�� �Mw
"Let us agree," said the Sun, "that he is the stronger who can strip that Traveler of his cloak." At the time they were quarrelling with more howling and heat, a Traveller was passing nearby with a Cloak wrapped around himself. 0000257622 00000 n
He blew an icy blast. The argument just got heated up and had no end. Suddenly they saw a traveler coming down the road, and the Sun said, “I see a way to decide our take off his coat shall be regarded as the stronger. Whosoever of us can force him take off his jacket, shall be considered the winner. Use flashcards or body language to present the heroes of the fable. Before long he tookoff his coat and put iton his lap. Both said they were stronger than the other. The wind said, "Whoever separates the blanket from traveller is the stronger. The Wind and the Sun The Wind and the Sun were arguing which was the stronger. The wind began to blow and blow very hard. �L��L:;��V���+�UJ�KLdn5B#7e ���Y(�`�5˽nQby��|0)�C���$��4f�~�}@'��Ac��u��5�12^2��[�
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The Wind and the Sun were arguing about which was the stronger. 221204248_EDB_Text.pdf July 31, 2012 12:34:48. “I can get his coat off more quickly than you can.”- The Wind said to the Sun. This site is like a library, Use search box in the widget to get ebook that you want. But the man _____ his jacket around him tightly. 1.Now I want you to retell the fable to me. The wind began to blow as hard as it could on the man. Unit 4: The Wind and the Sun Student’s book Step 1: Books are kept closed at the beginning of the lesson. 3. c 4. o a 5. "Very well," growled the North Wind, and at once sent a cold, howling blast against the Traveler. One, Two, Buckle My Shoe - … “No, you are not” replied the sun. Suddenly they saw a traveller coming down the road. 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