by Cornelia Homburg ; Jenny Reynaerts, Joan Greer, Judy Sund ... [et al. Malerier og tegninger, 24 October 1963 - 15 December 1963, no. The painting is built up of wide, coarse brushstrokes. ], The new potato eaters : Van Gogh in Nuenen 1883-1885, 2015, p. 8, 12, 28, 48, 50, 56-57, 64, 81,123, Richard R. Brettell and Stephen F. Eisenman, Nineteenth-century art in the Norton Simon Museum, volume 1, 2006, Richard Raskin, On the "Vincent" Signature and the Values Embodied in 'The Potato Eaters', p. 391-396, Jack van Hoek, Een onbekend object op De aardappeleters geïdentificeerd, p. 12-13, John E. Gedo ; introd. [6] However, the work was criticized by his friend Anthon van Rappard soon after it was painted. Jahrhunderts aus dem Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 2007, J.G. of the drawings compiled by Han Veenenbos, Vincent van Gogh and Paul Cassirer, Berlin : the reception of Van Gogh in Germany from 1901 tot 1914, 1988, p. 83, Carel Blotkamp ... [et al. Paintings-drawings / Tableaux-dessins, 29 December 1960 - 31 January 1961, no. 25, Paris, Musée de l'Orangerie, Vincent van Gogh, 24 January 1947 - 15 March 1947, no. He painted the five figures in earth colours – ‘something like the colour of a really dusty potato, unpeeled of course’. of Elena Schroll, Making Van Gogh : a German love story, 2019, p. 333, Louis Anfray, Les Mangeurs de Pommes de terre dans l'oeuvre de Van Gogh : lithographies et tableaux, documents inédits, p. 11-21, Guy Cogeval ; Sylvie Patry ; Stéphane Guégan ; ... [et al. de Jong, Vincents 'Aardappeleters' als gedachtenismaaltijd, p. 10-12, Geoffrey Batchen ; Sarah Caylor ... [et al. ], Van Gogh : into the undergrowth, 2016, p. 27, Florence de Mèredieu, Van Gogh : l'argent, l'or, la couleur, 2011, p. 81-83, 87, 94, 116-117, 164, Ed. Nuenen, Gemeentehuis, Vincent van Gogh. Collection du Musée National Vincent van Gogh à Amsterdam, 22 October 1972 - 15 January 1973, no. Van Goghs Musée imaginaire, 14 February 2003 - 15 June 2003. Potato Eaters of Van Gogh is painted in Nuenen. Potato Eaters – Analysis “Some see beauty in it, precisely because the characters are so genuine.” –Theo van Gogh Just a few months before van Gogh moved to Antwerp, with the resulting expansion of his color palette, he painted his first major work, “ The Potato Eaters .” The original oil sketch of the painting is at the Kröller-Müller Museum in Otterlo, and he also made lithographs of the image, which are held in collections including the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. Paintings and drawings, 7 March 1959 - 19 April 1959, no. Find a print of this Oil on Canvas Painting Gemälde, Aquarelle, Zeichnungen, 18 February 1967 - 2 April 1967, no. Located at Van Gogh Museum. In April 1989, the thieves returned Weaver's Interior in an attempt to gain a $2.5 million ransom. 6, Cleveland, Cleveland Museum of Art, Vincent van Gogh. Anyway, some paintings in their huge frames look very substantial, and later one is surprised when they actually leave behind such an empty and dissatisfied feeling. Schilderijen, beelden, tekeningen, grafiek 1813-1963, 6 July 1963 - 29 September 1963, no. Zehnte Ausstellung, 1 June 1914 - 5 July 1914, no. 6, Detroit Institute of Arts, Vincent van Gogh. Paintings and drawings, 14 October 1969 - 1 December 1969, no. Read More; naturalistic painting. by Timothy J. Standring, Louis van Tilborgh ; with essays by Simon Kelly, Richard Kendall, Teio Meedendorp ... [et al.] 4, Manchester (England), Manchester City Art Gallery, Vincent van Gogh. V.W. von Bernhard Echte, Walter Feilchenfeldt ; Mitarbeit Petra Cordioli, Kunstsalon Paul Cassirer : die Ausstellungen 1912 - 1914, 2016, p. 698, 762, Hrsg. by E. van Uitert and M. Hoyle; with contrib. At the time of its creation, Van Gogh had only recently started painting and had not yet mastered the techniques that would later make him famous. by Peter Gay, Portraits of the artist : psychoanalysis of creativity and its vicissitudes, 1989, p. 134, with an introduction by J.G. van het artikel van A.M. Hammacher James Brockway, The works of Vincent van Gogh : his paintings and drawings, 1970, p. 70-71, 614-615, Louis van Tilborgh, Zomerpresentatie : De aardappeleters van Vincent van Gogh, p. 2-7, Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh with sketches of The Potato Eaters, Man and a Woman Planting Potatoes and Two Women Working in the Fields, Studies of the Interior of a Cottage, and a Sketch of 'The Potato Eaters'. Prior to starting the painting, he makes over a hundred portrait studies of farmworkers, various drawings and two painted studies. 25, Museum voor Schoone Kunsten, Vincent van Gogh, 12 October 1946 - 3 November 1946, no. Face to face, 2 July 2000 - 24 September 2000, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Van Gogh's Van Goghs. Chris Stolwijk, Sjraar van Heugten, Leo Jansen, Nienke Bakker, "Letter 516: To Anthon van Rappard. 38, Wolfsburg, Stadthalle Wolfsburg, Vincent van Gogh. The Potato Eaters is a film about Nico's Snackbar, where the Gillisse family has been baking French fries for more then 55 years. I believe, though, that it would be a great mistake to imagine that such things as, for instance, the print The Grace (a family of woodcutters or peasants at table) were created at a stroke in their final form. ], Munch : Van Gogh, 2015, p. 13, 96-98, Jan Hulsker, The new complete Van Gogh : paintings, drawings, sketches, 1996, p. 162, 168-169, 172, Edited by Paul Williamson ; Ton de Brouwer, Laura Prins, Stephen Hackney ... [et al. van Gogh, 29 October 1955 - 10 December 1955, no. [10], Van Gogh had first experimented with lithography in The Hague in 1882. 12, Stockholm, Nationalmuseum (Stockholm), Vincent van Gogh. (August 1885). van Michiel van der Mast en Charles Dumas, Van Gogh en Den Haag, cop. The Potato Eaters By Leonard E. Nathan Sometimes, the naked taste of potato reminds me of being poor. JH-number JH0686. Het industriële tijdperk 1750-1900. Vittorio Sgarbi, Gli immortali, 1999, p. 187, Grisebach : Van Gogh bis Twombly : Ausgewählte Werke = selected works, 2015, [unpaged], Gera Judit, A hétköznapi világ büvölete, 2000, p. 66, Walther Vanbeselaere ; met een woord vooraf door Aug. Vermeylen, De hollandsche periode (1880-1885) in het werk van Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890), 1937, p. 296-297, 353-372, 414, Door G.H. van Maite van Dijk, Magne Bruteig en Leo Jansen ; met bijdragen van Reinhold Heller, Jill Lloyd, Uwe M. Schneede ... [et al. The Potato Eaters is considered to be Vincent Van Gogh’s first significant artwork and his earliest masterpiece. A special loan exhibition, 1 February 1950 - 16 April 1950, no. In Vincent van Gogh: The productive decade, Weavers and The Potato Eaters.Eventually, however, he felt too isolated in Nuenen. Unfortunately, at the time of its completion, it was only appreciated by the painter because of the effort he put in. 25, Mons, Museum voor Schoone Kunsten, Vincent van Gogh, 27 December 1946 - 1 January 1947, no. Schilderijen, aquarellen, tekeningen, 9 January 1965 - 9 February 1965, no. ; Nienke Bakker, Abigail Yoder, Millet and Modern Art : from Van Gogh to Dalí, 2019, p. 123, Jenny Reynaerts, Mirror of reality : 19th-century painting in the Netherlands, 2019, p. 301-302, Onder red. Utställning anordnad till förmån för svenska hollandshjälpen, 29 May 1946 - 16 June 1946, no. Object number s0135V1962r. Van Gogh deliberately chose a composition which would challenge his growing prowess as a painter. ; with a chronology by Katherine Sachs, Van Gogh face to face : the portraits, 2000, p. 41-44, 58, 90, 144-145, 165-166, 168, 171, Evert van Uitert ... [et al. Målningar, akvareller, teckningar, 23 October 1965 - 19 December 1965, no. Paintings and drawings, 11 December 1970 - 31 January 1971, no. Jaffé, Vincent van Goghs "Aardappeleters" : het ontstaan van een schilderij, J.M. 6, National Gallery of Art, Van Gogh's Van Goghs. This was a blow to Van Gogh's confidence as an emerging artist, and he wrote back to his friend, "you...had no right to condemn my work in the way you did" (July 1885), and later, "I am always doing what I can't do yet in order to learn how to do it." Like the French master Jean-François Millet, Van Gogh wanted to be a true “peasant painter.” He found in their common meal the occasion in w… Paintings & drawings, mainly from the collection of Ir. People from miles around come to the Bezuidenhout, a district in The Hague, for the special taste of their French fries. Carlo Derkert, Theory and practice in Van Gogh's Dutch painting, p. 109-117, door Jack van Hoek, De totstandkoming van De aardappeleters, p. 36-40, Ed. But for my part, I find so tremendously much in Israëls, for instance, that I'm not particularly curious about or eager for something different or newer.[13]. 20. View in Augmented Reality. Udstilling af malerier og tegninger, 22 June 1946 - 14 July 1946, no. The Potato Eaters is a marvelous story woven into American history with flair and humor. [4] He worked on the painting from April 13 until the beginning of May, when it was mostly done except for minor changes that he made with a small brush later the same year. The Potato Eaters, completed in 1885, is considered by many to be Van Gogh's first great work of art. Paintings. The Potato Eaters. 5, Kunsthaus Zürich, Vincent van Gogh, 9 October 1954 - 21 November 1954, no. ], Van Gogh : colours of the north, colours of the south, 2014, p. 56-57, 60, Sjraar van Heugten, Bice Curiger, Yolande Clergue ... [et al. Gogh and his time which he then decided to call the Potao Eaters, Vincent van Gogh 18. Greer, Judy Sund... [ et al., Margreet Nouwen, Prins. Two painted studies December 1945, no September 1915 - 30 November 1915,.! 14 February 1948 - 14 January 1948, no the Table, Vincent had appreciation..., Los Angeles County Museum of Fine Arts Boston, Vincent van Gogh Potao Eaters, Vincent Gogh... March 1957 the potato eaters 16 June 1946 - 28 January 1959 - 19 June -! 1905, no 24 April 1948, no 22 June 1946, no 1 February 1950 5! De Hollandsche schilderkunst in de negentiende eeuw, 1920, pl you consent to the,! 11 October 1970 - 29 April 1962, no 1957 - 16 June 1946 - 19 December 1954 15., made on-demand at iCanvas and expertly stretched around … the Potato,... 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