It would only be natural that the central plot of the book should focus around the Turing test for artificial intelligence. Oh, and hold on. I admit ruefully that Stephenson's vocabulary is better than mine. Free download or read online The Diamond Age: Or, A Young Ladys Illustrated Primer pdf (ePUB) book. But that has nothing to do with whether they are stupid or intelligent. The diamond age by Stephenson, Neal. tags: education, intelligence, knowledge, wisdom. The Diamond Age, Or, A Young Lady's Illustrated Primer is a novel by Neal Stephenson about a world where nanotechnology has become ubiquitous and society has fractured along subcultural lines. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of, Published Suppose you wanted to write a new Victorian bildungsroman about the Boxer Rebellion. There's a kind of girl power aspect to it all that's especially nice. The book was published in multiple languages including English, consists of 499 pages and is available in Paperback format. I'm afraid those are also disallowed in Stephensonland. Hackworth always had a "subversive" side, or else he wouldn't have stolen the primer to begin with, the Alchemist is Hackworth without his conscious/V, [ The Young Lady's Illustrated Primer of the sub-title is a nanotechnological marvel, an interactive book, initially the only one in existence, which falls into the hands of Nell, a young girl trapped in the underclass with her street rat brother and feckless, drunken mother. JavaScript must be enabled to leave a comment. There's a kind. neal-stephenson diamond-age. Maybe I misunderstood? Now, here's your complementary CS patch. The main characters of this science fiction, fiction story are Nell, Bud. And an even more bizarre sub-plot involves a group (or hivemind) that is able to connect subconsciously through drumming. Dickens immediately surfaces as a point of comparison, not only because of the size of the book but because the future Stephenson presents his readers with is, in many respects, a skewed reflection and imitation of the Victorian age. This device has the power to decode and reprogram her life -- and the entire future of humanity. Which, OK, is worth doing, but it's 3:42am and I've been reading since about 8pm, so forgive me if I don't open it up again just now. Hope you enjoy it. Yes you. The idea of creating the primer comes from an engineer John Hackworth and Neo-Victorian Lord Finkle-McGraw. The crowded, multi-factioned, multi-leveled city of Shanghai and nearby Pudong made me miss my hometown terribly. The story centers around a young girl named Nell, a lower class “Thete” being raised by her single mother and protective older brother in the slums of the “Leased Territories” (a floating landmass off the coast of Asia controlled by the Neo-Victorian New Atlantis phyle). In addition to the copy that falls into Nell’s hand, Hackworth also secretly produces a copy for his daughter Fiona – a crime that causes his eventual social downfall and exile from the New Atlantis phyle. So the filial relationships became deranged. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Diamond age, Young lady's illustrated primer. Stephenson is undoubtedly a good writer. I gulped down the 500 pages in four days, and it was not an easy read. When she is four, Nell's older brother Harv gives her a stolen copy of a highly sophisticated interactive book, Young Lady's Illustrated Primer: a Propædeutic Enchiridion, in which is told the tale of Princess Nell and her various frie… Welcome back. Classifications Dewey Decimal Class 813/.54 Library of Congress PS3569.T3868 D53 1995 The Physical Object Format Hardcover Pagination 455 p. Number of pages 455 ID Numbers Open Library OL1105350M Internet Archive diamondageoryoun00step ISBN 10 0553096095 LC Control Number 94030486 OCLC/WorldCat 314194775 Library Thing 12987 Wikidata … Also, I felt the need to read the book with a dictionary next to me, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, I suppose. He got together a focus group of 25 unpaid, thirteen year old boys and made them puke out as many buzz words in 10 minutes that they could about science fiction. The idea came to me when I saw a a mobile designed to hang above a crib, with cards that could be swapped out for more complex designs as the baby's visual system developed. Some of them have to do with the nanotechnology advances that populate this world (such as the Matter Compilers that are able to synthesize food but are controlled by the Neo-Victorians). I have just finished rereading Neal Stephenson's The Diamond Age for about the fourth time and am still confused about the ending. The initial world building, the idea behind the Primer, the main characters, these are all done brilliantly and the story proceeds really well for the first half. Stephenson's vision of a future shocked and titillated me, and years later I still found it returning to haunt me. Wait, sir? I feel as though that's a trite thing to say, but I'm not talking about the overall story, I'm talking about the way each sentence is crafted. The mix of high technology, the sophisticated neo-Victorians, and the Confuscians made a confusing but ultimately satisfying story. Yet I don't think I ever truly understood the story, and certainly not the ending. See all 8 questions about The Diamond Age…, "The Victorian system used Darwinian techniques to create killers adapted to their prey, which was elegant and effective but led to the creation of killers that were simply too bizarre to have been thought up by humans, just as humans designing a world never would have thought up the naked mole rat. The The Diamond Age, Or, a Young Lady’s Illustrated Primer Community Note includes chapter-by-chapter summary and analysis, character list, theme list, historical context, author biography and quizzes written by community members like you. The Diamond Age, or, Young Lady's Illustrated Primer - Nell's Life at Dovetail Summary & Analysis Neal Stephenson This Study Guide consists of approximately 72 pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more - everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of The Diamond Age, or, Young Lady's Illustrated Primer. He's talking about the necessity of focus and attention, the dedication required to trick your brain into thinking these characters and places are real, without which you cannot become emotionally and intellectually enmeshed in the narrative, without which the novel has no bite, no. "The Diamond Age" envisions the next century as brilliantly as Snow Crash", raved Newsweek upon the arrival of this stunning novel. In a recent interview (in which he predicted the demise of the novel at the hands of the increasingly ubiquitous "screen"), Philip Roth said that if you don't read a novel in two weeks, then you don't really read it. I did feel that some parts lagged and I did flick forward a bit midway. This is an electronic book developed to teach young girls how to be “subversive.” It is an interactive storytelling instrument that personalizes everyone’s education by taking in information from its surroundings and presenting it to the child in a manner that … Average = 3 stars. When the Feed came in from Atlantis, from Nippon, we no longer had to plant, because the rice now came from the matter compiler. Wait, sir? The last 50 pages or so make zero sense given the rest of the novel, and the ending itself seems more like just a stop rather than an ending. While the speculative aspects are no less astounding and inventive, they require less technical exposition and seem to have a more solid grounding in the real world (as opposed to the virtual reality of the Metaverse). The difference between stupid and intelligent people—and this is true whether or not they are well-educated—is that intelligent people can handle subtlety. It's like sometimes authors TRY to be obscure in their writing in order to be "highbrow" to r. This has been on my shelf a while, I think a friend sent it to me. There are also Dickens-like descriptive headings for each chapter (though these are surprisingly … Please see the supplementary resources provided below for other helpful content related to this book. The Diamond Age is a science-fiction novel that anticipates the development of nanotechnology and reflects on its social consequences. About The Diamond Age. Throw in some subtle examinations of culture, class structure, ethnicity and education (as well as some nifty “Nano” advancements) and you have a masterful novel that careens effortlessly between being a whimsical adventure tale and a satirical take on cultural and moral relativism. Then there's the ending. This is the second Neal Stephenson book I have read, the previous one being the marvelously entertaining, Stephenson is undoubtedly a good writer. Initially, I wasn't tempted by "The Diamond Age," but the subtitle drew me in. 11 – Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Worse, science fiction is already more concerned with the ideas than the characters, but when the writer is consciously trying to mimic the further-removed-from-reality discourses of Victorian-era writing, we wind up so distanced fro. This detailed literature summary also contains Topics for Discussion and a Free Quiz on The Diamond Age, or, Young Lady's Illustrated Primer by Neal Stephenson. Is that an expectation of coherent plotting in your back pocket? I have to admit, this is a dense read sometimes in the way that hard sci-fi can be: Glazing over at "tech speak tech speak tech speak." The Young Lady's Illustrated Primer of the sub-title is a nanotechnological marvel, an interactive book, initially the only one in existence, which falls into the hands of Nell, a young girl trapped in the underclass with her street rat brother and feckless, drunken mother. I think both Lord Finkle-McGraw and Hackworth came to doubt the purported virtues of their phyle. Read Common Sense Media's The Diamond of Darkhold review, age rating, and parents guide. 71 – The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch. The Diamond Age is set in a vividly-conceived nanotechnological future in which nation states have ceased to exist. [What I'm most confused about is Hackworth being the Alchemist. I really wish he’d left the drummers on the cutting room floor. Start by marking “The Diamond Age: Or, a Young Lady's Illustrated Primer” as Want to Read: Error rating book. Certain parts of your experience will be much funnier if you wear it, while others will be unspeakably boring if you don't. Since the book is set in a world in which cultural affiliations are more important than political ones, the desire to train children in the culture of their phyle is of utmost importance. Stephenson then roiled together this mess with a rag mop and wrung it into a bucket called, This has been on my shelf a while, I think a friend sent it to me. I have to admit, this is a dense read sometimes in the way that hard sci-fi can be: Glazing over at "tech speak tech speak tech speak." In fact I think it also predicts a lot of the future of nanotechnology and entertainment. This is the third Neal Stephenson book I’ve read, the first two being. If Charles Dickens climbed in an H.G. I feel like this book demands analysis, and I don't know enough to provide it. I'm sure all the technology is masterfully crafted and is visionary, I just couldn't 100% follow it. “Parking lots and chaos.”, Book 5: The Diamond Age, Or, A Young Lady's Illustrated Primer, Neal Stephenson Discusses His New 'Paradise Lost'-Influenced Book. Intended to teach its owner the skills necessary to become a productive and fully realized member of “Neo-Victiorian” society, the book uses lessons and stories to help guide the reader on their journey to adulthood. A complete woodblock printed scroll of the Diamond Sutra, dated 868 CE, was among several texts preserved in a sealed cave near Dunhuang, in Gansu Province, China. When our society was based upon planting, it could truly be said, as the Master did, “Virtue is the root; wealth is the result.' The buzz words had to be something that would palliate the hyperactive endocrine glands of 13 year old males. Vividly imagined, stunningly prophetic, and epic in scope, The Diamond Age is a major novel from one of the most visionary writers of our time Decades into our future, a stone’s throw from the ancient city of Shanghai, a brilliant nanotechnologist named John Percival Hackworth has just broken the rigorous moral code of his tribe, the powerful neo-Victorians. I read this the first time when I was a young, impressionable, repressed, closeted Mormon boy. Neal's SF novel, The Diamond Age, promises more of the same.Together, they represent a new era in science fiction. Yes you. Set in 21st century Shanghai, it is the story of what happens when a state-of-the-art interactive device falls into the hands of a street urchin named Nell. Is it possible to feel nostalgia for a place in the future? In addition, the novel has a more traditional protagonist whose struggle to learn and thrive as a member of a lower class tribe (or “Phyle”) makes her almost immediately sympathetic. I'm afraid those are also disallowed in Stephensonland. I feel as though that's a trite thing to say, but I'm not talking about the overall story, I'm talking about the way each sentence is crafted. He's talking about the necessity of focus and attention, the dedication required to trick your brain into thinking these characters and places are real, without which you cannot become emotionally and intellectually enmeshed in the narrative, without which the novel has no bite, no pathos, no transformative power. Percy, while driving with Calvin, tells his partner that Walken thinks Darryl betrayed Percy and he has the diamond, so they are free to keep the diamond. As is Stephenson’s style, there are also numerous subplots that surround the main action. Sir? Published on Oct 2, 2013. The Diamond Age: Or, a Young Lady's Illustrated Primer is a postcyberpunk novel by Neal Stephenson. [ ― Neal Stephenson, The Diamond Age: Or, a Young Lady's Illustrated Primer. All I could do is count heads and make remarks about the colour and gender and fate of each major character. Wells time machine and went forward in time and he decided to create a post cyber-punk, progressively dystopian bildungsroman novel with a strong female lead and with a fascinating glimpse of a future that expands on the world begun in. With three different copies of the Primer in the hands of girls from three different cultural backgrounds, Stephenson is able to look the interaction of culture, society and education and how they each play a role in shaping the attitudes and core beliefs of each individual. The Diamond Age Envisions the next century as brilliantly as snow crash did the day after tomorrow. It'll be perfectly safe here behind the counter. It was the destruction of our society. 488,300 Spam Comments Blocked so far by Spam Free Wordpress, You may use these HTML tags and attributes:
, #51 - The Diamond Age Summary - Neal Stephenson, #51 – The Diamond Age Summary – Neal Stephenson. What is considered a desirable trait in one culture can be seen as a liability or hindrance to success in another. The Diamond Age is set in a vividly-conceived nanotechnological future in which nation states have ceased to exist. Also includes sites with a short overview, synopsis, book report, or summary of Neal Stephenson’s The Diamond Age. The first is the central technology of the book, the illustrated primer. As far as the overall story, there's a lot to like, plenty of varied characters, several story lines that are more closely woven than one might originally think, and plenty of action. And it does - what I love about Stephenson is his high level of prescient-ness. Here's a numerical token you can use to reclaim it at the end of the day. There is so much that is good about this book. She becomes immersed in the fantasy world of the Primer and undertakes a number of symbolic journeys and adventures that serve as life lessons towards her final goal of self-realization. (Oh, god, so many of my reviews seem to start this way.) Stephenson's descriptions of brightly lit Nanjing Road and small, dim, alleys of hawkers was so spot on. Overall, The Diamond Age is well worth reading. Up to about halfway through, I was in love with this book, but then Hackworth goes to the Drummers and we skip 10 years, and my thoughts are like this: if you as a writer didn't care about those 10 years enough to write about them, why do I care enough to read them? I'm afraid you'll have to check your need for believable characters with me. Detailed plot synopsis reviews of The Diamond Age In an alternate (possibly future) reality a software programmer creates an interactive (Virtual Reality) program for an aristocrat's daughter and secretly makes one for his own daughter. A little girl finds a magic book … It is to some extent a science fiction coming-of-age story, focused on a young girl named Nell, and set in a future world in which nanotechnology affects all aspects of life. I'm abandoning this book at 50% - one star because I think I deserve the credit for slogging through it, though. The first edition of the novel was published in February 1995, and was written by Neal Stephenson. 5 likes. “A book is not just a material possession but the pathway to an enlightened mind, and thence to a well-ordered society.”, Welcome to Stephensonland! ", “These were rice paddies before they were parking lots. You're going to have a great time. However, given a choice between this book and the classic young women's story, Okay, here's what this Stephenson guy did with his novel. It begins with events that led to Nell getting the Young Lady's Illustrated Primer. I think I have a better idea now, but I might just be projecting. So did Hackworth prevent the Seed from forming, and protect the Feed, or did he fail? If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Stein chose some scrolls … In a recent interview (in which he predicted the demise of the novel at the hands of the increasingly ubiquitous "screen"), Philip Roth said that if you don't read a novel in two weeks, then you don't really read it. THE DIAMOND AGE. by Spectra. Now, here's your complementary CS patch. Neal Stephenson is the bestselling author of the novels Snow Crash, Cryptonomicon, Seveneves, Reamde, Anathem, The System of... To see what your friends thought of this book. Welcome to Stephensonland! Sir? Publication date 1996 Publisher New York : Bantam Books Collection inlibrary; printdisabled; internetarchivebooks; delawarecountydistrictlibrary; china; americana Digitizing sponsor Internet Archive Contributor Internet Archive Language English. We found no such entries for this book title. Among the best books I have ever read (although slightly behind. He does and finds Darryl, where the two confront each other about him lying about being a baby. Because the book is able to respond directly to Nell’s life and environment, she becomes the heroine in the stories and the lessons are tailored specifically to her changing needs and requirements. I loved this book, especially the Neo-Victorian culture. The part that is confusing me is as follows: Both the Fists and the Mouse Army come from the Celestial Kingdom yet they seem opposed - surely Dr X would have wanted the Mouse Army to support the Fists. Required fields are marked *. I thought, why not create an educational book that would tell the same stories with increasing complexity as the child grew up? Set in an unspecified future, the world of The Diamond Age is dominated by nanotechnology, where anything can be … Neal Stephenson is one of my favourite authors, and I do give him credit for each of his books being based on a completely different paradigm. While these digressions are interesting for a while, they unfortunately take the focus off of the more compelling main story. Series finale goes back to adventure. I'm sure all the technology is masterfully crafted and is visionary, I just couldn't 100% follow it. That's right, it's very similar, except instead of nicotine, this will imbue you with knowledge equivalent to a bachelor's degree in computer science. Peasants planted the seeds and had highest status in the Confucian hierarchy. In the end they left it to Nell to decide what to do, The Diamond Age: Or, a Young Lady's Illustrated Primer. The genesis of this book was as simple as that. The Diamond Age summary: The Diamond Age summary is updating. Wait, no: it's about the role of human interaction in childrearing, as seen through the lens of an advanced educational simulation — something like an infinitely more sophisticated Oregon Trail game. But Nell is not the only little girl who receives a copy of the primer. The novel is set in a futuristic world where molecular nanotechnology is an integrated part of life. But hey, with so much great stuff in this book it’s hard to complain about a few half baked ideas making their way in as well. In 1900 a Chinese monk, Abbot Wang Yuanlu, discovered the sealed door to the cave, and in 1907 a Hungarian-British explorer named Marc Aurel Stein was allowed to see inside the cave. I agree. Diamond Age is almost a children's story, with the main character being a child who grows into an adult by the end of the book. “The difference between stupid and intelligent people – and this is true whether or not they are well-educated – is that intelligent people can handle subtlety. Is that an expectation of coherent plotting in your back pocket? It'll be perfectly safe here behind the counter. Summary | Review | Buy I'm afraid you'll have to check your need for believable characters with me. ”, “Nell," the Constable continued, indicating through his tone of voice that the lesson was concluding, "the difference between ignorant and educated people is that the latter know more facts. They are not baffled by ambiguous or even contradictory situations—in fact, they expect them and are apt to become suspicious when things seem overly straightforward.”, Nebula Award Nominee for Best Novel (1996), Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel (1996), John W. Campbell Memorial Award Nominee for Best Science Fiction Novel (1996), Prometheus Award Nominee for Best Novel (1996). I finished reading Neal Stephenson’s 1995 novel The Diamond Age nearly a month ago, and had always planned to write a review. Since the summary by Kirkley et al. Ok, you're all set. The book has … The Primer, obeying its … Up to about halfway through, I was in love with this book, but then Hackworth goes to the Drummers and we skip 10 years, and my thoughts are like this: if you as a writer didn't care about those 10 years enough to write about them, why do I care enough to read them? If you fall of the tech-speak train you start to glaze over a bit and get confused, or at least I do. 6.0 stars. Another has to do with the way in which Nell interacts with a Mother-like character in the Primer (a role that is actually being remotely played by an actor named Miranda who comes to care for Nell and think of her as a daughter). "[Stephenson] has gotten even better. The book’s inventor, a nano-engineer named John Percival Hackworth, was supposed to produce just one copy of the primer for the granddaughter of a wealthy lord. I powered through the last 100 pages more out of feeling of obligation than honest interest in the novel. Did he or didn't he know what he was getting himself into? It's like sometimes authors TRY to be obscure in their writing in order to be "highbrow" to rise about the genre or something. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Diamond Age. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. It has taken me a while to figure out what I think of this book, and I'm still not entirely sure. (1991) that appeared in this journal, there have been major advances in understanding the relationship between diamond types and their hosts, the pressure and temperature conditions for diamond formation, the sources of carbon, and how diamond growth relates to fluids in the mantle. "—Newsweek "[Stephenson is] the hottest science fiction writer in America...Snow Crash is without question the biggest SF novel of the 1990s. Refresh and try again. Oh, and hold on. I first read this ~10 years ago and just re-read it as someone reminded me that it predicts the future of reading. Also, I felt the need to read the book with a dictionary next to me, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, I suppose. As far as the overall story, there's a lot to like, plenty of varied characters, several story lines that are more closely woven than one might originally think, and plenty of action. The Diamond Age is a 1995 science fiction novel by Neal Stephenson. Here's a numerical token you can use to reclaim it at the end of the day. A book advising young women? Interesting. Calvin realizes Darryl and Vanessa are in danger and he needs to go back. The protagonist in the story is Nell, a thete (or person without a tribe; equivalent to the lowest working class) living in the Leased Territories, a lowland slum built on the artificial, diamondoid island of New Chusan, located offshore from the mouth of the Yangtze River, northwest of Shanghai. James & Sven discuss the book The Diamond Age (or The Young Lady's Illustrated Primer) by Neal Stephenson. Chaos,” Dr. X said regretfully, then looked up from his tea and nodded out the window. May 2nd 2000 Sites like SparkNotes with a The Diamond Age study guide or cliff notes. There are three technologies in The Diamond Age which I think merit mentioning here. If you fall of the tech-speak train you start to glaze over a bit and get confused, or at least I do. But then other stories come into play and confusion sets in - at least in my head it did! I would have liked a bit more of Nell and a little less of the random plot threads and diversions from the main storyline. First half of the book gets 4 stars; the second half gets 2 stars. - and it is like a roller coaster coming off the rails and crashing very, very suddenly on the last page. The protagonist and narrator is Dixie Diamond, the youngest (at the start of the novel) in a family of four sisters, who all have different fathers. For more book talk from The Sci-Fi Christian, friend us on Goodreads! But under the Western ti, wealth comes not from virtue but from cleverness. To me, Stephenson seems like someone with such an abundance of ideas that he often tries to stuff too many of them into each novel. The Diamond Age Summary The story centers around a young girl named Nell, a lower class “Thete” being raised by her single mother and protective older brother in the slums of the “Leased Territories” (a floating landmass off the coast of Asia controlled by the Neo-Victorian New Atlantis phyle). Worse, science fiction is already more concerned with the ideas than the characters, but when the writer is consciously trying to mimic the further-removed-from-reality discourses of Victorian-era writing, we wind up so distanced from character that honestly? Ben reviews Neal Stephenson's novel, The Diamond Age. In many ways, The Diamond Age is a much more accessible book than Snow Crash. While it’s not as groundbreaking or as instantly gripping as his breakthrough novel Snow Crash, Neal Stephenson’s The Diamond Age is nevertheless a fascinating tale that melds a tender coming-of-age story to a future in which nanotechnology has altered virtually every aspect of society. There are three technologies in the novel old males multi-factioned, multi-leveled city of Shanghai nearby! Does - what was what I love about Stephenson is his high level of.. ’ s style, there are three technologies in the Confucian hierarchy thought, why not create educational... The drummers on the last page these are surprisingly … Published on Oct 2, 2013 fact I of! Was written by Neal Stephenson 's vocabulary is better than the diamond age summary play and confusion sets in - at least my. Out of feeling of obligation than honest interest in the novel the entire future of and... Forming, and I 'm afraid you 'll have to check your need believable. 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