Another animated series also appeared on Cable television with less than encouraging results. There are no sequels. In fact Alien won the Visual Effects Oscar over Star Trek. “’Flash Gordon’ was also a great summer hit in the U.K. and in Germany,” Hochart said. I teach film studies at Bangor University in north Wales where I live. I found it years later at a Horror/SciFi Convention. Nathan Abrams tells the hidden Jewish history of a childhood favourite, Flash Gordon, which is 40 years old today. Twitter. The film will be available as a Collector’s Edition, Steelbook, Blu-ray, DVD and on VOD. But maybe there is more to it than meets the eye? Robert Flash Gordon Death – Obituary – Funeral – Passed Away : Deaddeath learnt on April 02, 2021, that Robert Flash Gordon was pronounced dead, following a fatal car crash. The box office in North America was disappointing. He inquired about the rights with King Features but found out the expense was beyond his means. Share. This includes and images of Nazi Germany and Adolf Hitler. While the irony is not lost on me that Flash Gordon up until this movie had multiple chapters including the short lived NBC cartoon, I think the movie is even more appealing because it is the only one of its kind. You see it in the Italian promo posters we saw earlier in this entry. 930 people follow this. By Nicholas Barber 4th August 2020 Flash Gordon came out 40 years ago – and has gained cult status since. Back to our main focus. Flash Gordon, 1980. Termed “pulp magazines” because of the low quality paper used between the covers, these publications proliferated in the nineteen-thirties and nineteen-forties and beyond. 4K Ultra HD Review – Flash Gordon (1980) September 27, 2020 by Brad Cook. Stars: Sam J. Jones, Topol, Max von Sydow, Melody Anderson, Ornella Muti, Timothy Dalton, Brian Blessed, Peter Wyngarde, Mariangela Melato, Richard O’Brien | Written by Lorenzo Semple Jr. | Directed by Mike Hodges. I can quote dialogue from any scene. The US set is released on August 18th. When Zarkov’s memory is beong erased, we see flashbacks to his earlier life. Robert “Flash” Gordon, who was the owner of two Pyramid Music stores in Augusta and who was at one time the general manager of James Brown Arena, found that mentor in Marion “Mal Your Pal” Cook, one of Augusta’s pioneer radio announcers. King of the impossible. I saw the original movie serials on Channel Thirteen, a Public Television station here in New York during the 1970’s. Flash Gordon Merchandise (4:20) is a featurette with Jason Labowitz (“Entertainment Earth”) and Jason Lenzi (“Bif Bang Pow!”) talking about the few toy tie-ins for the movie and shows them off, including making new ones. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. And the bottom Right is a volume collecting Sunday comic strips of Flash Gordon now published by Titan books. In the 1980’s NBC-TV premiered “Buck Rogers In The 25th Century” based upon the feature film of the same name that appeared in theaters. He’s a miracle. Following “Flash Gordon” he designed the art for “Raiders of the Lost Ark”! The collage seen below is just a small sample of Amsel’s TV Guide covers. The dominant red and yellow of the logo implies Jewishness in that both colours were used to stigmatise Jews in past centuries. Elmo and Larry Antoinette and Don Dixon and the Hidden Empire (1935 to … Rober… In a nutshell, scientist Dr. Hans Zarkov, football star Flash Gordon (Sam Jones) and travel agent Dale Arden travel to the Planet Mongo, where the tyrant Emperor Ming the Merciless has attacked Earth out of pure boredom. First appearing in 1928, the character of Anthony “Buck” Rogers was the first to feature space exploration! Dispensing with the former image of Ming as a caricature of Asian villainy he appeared as a bland modern CEO in an alternate dimension. It had Queen’s music! Forgot account? Facebook. Released globally there were images used in various countries to target specific audiences based on region. or. Log In. Flash Gordon: The Space Opera Classic That Could Have Been Skip to entry content. The 1980-81 Season was to be its last. In the 1930’s there were tin wind–up toys of spaceships from Flash Gordon and miniature figures in tins. Buy Prints. At the time of release the picture had a PG rating. Along with Silly Putty and Yo-Yos Colorforms were a 1970s staple kids toy. What I mean is that there were lots of films featuring shirtless guys on their posters. F lash Gordon fans worldwide can only imagine what might have been. Each ‘breed’ of Mongo gets introduced. In Europe as well as in the opening titles the name is stylized in the mode Alex Raymond had used. It included an insert with a full colour image of Ming on one side and the lyrics for Flash and The Hero plus album credits on the other in red and yellow. Pulp Fiction is a term used to describe a huge amount of creative writing available to the American public in the early nineteen-hundreds. The blood shown on screen was blue and green. Hudson - April 2, 2021. Now seen in rich color of every shade and hue. Without Buck Rogers there would be no Flash Gordon. The Atari Game Cartridge was less exciting somehow, Mattel sold a toy rocket ship for kids. A comic strip created by Alex Raymond in the 1930’s influenced the adventures of Batman, Superman, Captain Kirk, and Luke Skywalker. If you are a movie geek, just knowing that a movie is produced by Dino De Laurentiis is a … Flash Gordon Animated Movie Happening at Disney with Thor: Ragnarok Director. All of the space craft were done this way. I cut it out and put it on my wall. This restoration was approved by director Mike Hodges in May 2020, and the release will include the first 4K HDR Dolby Vision master of Flash Gordon. ( Log Out /  Would love your thoughts, please comment. It was noted, and appreciated, by the critics – and the fact that the critics were paying attention to a serial speaks for itself – that efforts had been made to elevate it above its run-of-the-mill competitors. 9 min read. The font with its Red/Yellow/Orange coloring was brilliant. You just cannot celebrate a Flash Gordon Anniversary without providing this necessary background. Kael described Flash Gordon as having “some of the knowing, pleasurable giddiness of the fast-moving Bonds…The director, Mike Hodges, gets right into comic-strip sensibility and pacing“. Besides the various Flash Gordon serials of the 1930s and 1940s, the last Flash Gordon movie was produced in 1980, as recently memorialized by Seth McFarlane in his comedy Ted. But I digress. Princess Aura seduces the blonde/ blue-eyed Flash Gordon as her object of exotic desire. Mr. Wyngarde’s voice is heard while Mr. Prowse gets dubbed by James Earl Jones. When you login first time using a Social Login button, we collect your account public profile information shared by Social Login provider, based on your privacy settings. It’s important to note the exoticism worked both ways in the film. Featuring an all-star cast, including Sam J Jones (Flash Gordon) Brian Blessed (Prince Vultan) Timothy Dalton (Prince Barin) Max Von Sydow (Ming The Merciless) and Melody Anderson (Dale) and accompanied by a brilliant soundtrack by the inimitable Queen, this is the ultimate version of the '80s cult classic. Instead of a fleet of X-Wing fighters you get a fleet of Hawkmen swooping down in an almost 3-D effect with Vultan’s cloud kingdom seen in the background on the right side of the frame. One might even consider the bearded Hawkmen, led by the bloviating Brian Blessed, as Hassidic (although Hodges admits that did have the then Welsh rugby team in mind). When Flash leads the resistance against Ming, he unites the various warring tribes and leads them to victory. As a kid I was ignorant of this paradigm. Italian Producer Dino DeLaurentis with Director Mike Hodges created a unique vision of the comic book hero. Then to find they had included the dialogue from the film throughout the record was such a bonus. 35th Anniversary Greenroom (8:26) – From November 2015, there was a Flash Gordon reunion with Mike Hodges and the cast together for the first time since filming. Comic book artist Alex Ross loves the movie and also proclaims Queen as a favourite band. Flash Gordon books and magazines have been published over the past 70 years. I had no idea he was one of the many awful casualties of that pandemic. His first was an image of Lucille Ball upon her retirement from TV and show business. Flash plays for the New York Jets, home to many Jews and only one consonant away. FAVORITE. The film’s Tagline, all in caps, PATHETIC EARTHLINGS…WHO CAN SAVE YOU NOW? Then I found a small copy of the art in a full page ad in Playbill magazine. View all posts by Evan Warren. There was also a program sold at select theaters for the film. Richard Amsel died of AIDS in 1985 at the age of 37. SAVE TO COLLECTION. Flash and Dale are certainly the sort of bland names that Jews chose to hide their Jewishness. The image seen above is a fish-eye view of the court. One concept that has been bouncing around Hollywood since the 1990s is a new version of the classic pulp sci-fi hero Flash Gordon. Afterword: Flash Gordon was, as we have said, a huge success for Universal in 1936. BUY A PRINT! The result is pain so awful the victim begs for death. As director Mike Hodges (not Jewish) recounted, ‘Flash had to have a chiselled jaw, the all-American boy. Click here for Pre-Order information: Create New Account. Alex Raymond's famous comic strip blasts to life in the timeless sci-fi cult … A short-lived live action series appeared on the SyFy Channel. The model space ships. Everything about the film is grand scale for a timeless adventure. Archie Meets Flash Gordon in New Crossover One-Shot. The strip made its first newspaper appearance on January 7, 1929. Dropping the needle onto this record was such a joyful moment for me. Fun fact: Larry “Buster” Crabbe” made a cameo appearance on the Buck Rogers TV series! The center was left intact so you lost the custom label peaking out effect. I walked out of the cinema with the Queen music in my head. Flash Gordon is the hero of a science fiction adventure comic strip originally drawn by Alex Raymond. The series of novels based around the legendary comic strip sci-fi hero that appeared – with very different covers – in the US and UK during the Seventies. LOOKING FOR SOMETHING BINGE WORTHY? In this gallery seen above notice the Mad Magazine clone Crazy with its parody of the movie! 0. The film found appreciation with some film critics, such as The New Yorker ‘s Pauline Kael. Firstly, science fiction is a very Jewish genre. Above in this gallery a view of Arboria against the colorful skies of Mongo, at the left bottom a birds eye view of Flash and Barin as they begin their duel, and on the right the beast that resides within the stump. What can I say, I’ve just watched the 40th Anniversary Edition (2020) of Flash Gordon. 20th Aug 2020 ‘Flash Gordon: 40th Anniversary Collection’ Blu-ray Review. It’s often thought that the science fiction boom of the 1970s was started by Star Wars, which might be true for movies, but prior to George … Flash is the all-American football star. Prepare to save the universe with the King of the Impossible! The film stars Sam J. Jones, Melody Anderson, Ornella Muti, Max von Sydow and Topol, with Timothy Dalton, Mariangela Melato, Brian Blessed and Peter Wyngarde in supporting roles. Max Von Sydow (“The Seventh Seal”, “The Exorcist”) was Emperor Ming The Merciless; Timothy Dalton (James bond) was Prince Barin; Brian Blessed (Black Adder) was Vultan; Ornella Muti was Aura; Mariangela Melato was Kala; Peter Wyngarde (Jason King) was Klytus; Richard O’ Brien (Rocky Horror) was Fico; Topol was Dr. Hans Zarkov; Melody Anderson was Dale Arden; Sam J. Jones (“10”) was Flash Gordon. Flash Gordon on 4K Ultra HD 18 August 2020 (US and CAN only) In the US and Canada only, Arrow Video release the fabulous Flash Gordon, in sparkling 4K, in lavish packaging with a host of extras and goodies. It Won’t. Starring Gil Gerard as Buck and Co-starring in the series were Erin Gray as crack Starfighter pilot Colonel Wilma Deering, and Tim O’Connor as Dr. Elias Huer, head of Earth Defense Directorate, and a former starpilot himself. I have seen the film at least 100 times. And of course launched another franchise. The Italian film legend Federico Fellini turned down an offer to direct Flash Gordon. She also stated the movie was “Like a fairy tale set in a discotheque in the clouds.”. The lavishly produced feature included giant set pieces adapted directly from the pages of Alex Raymond’s work partly as homage and because the formula worked! Yiddisher Psychogeography of a Small Planet, Silent Witness: The Resonance of Artefacts, Defining antisemitism – again, and again…. For example British TV/Film actor and Bodybuilder David Prowse wore the Darth Vader costume for Star Wars; British TV star Peter Wyngarde (Department S, Jason King) wore a mask as General Klytus in Flash Gordon. Photographer and Music Devotee Queen’s trademark sense of corn/camp are all part of the 1980 film’s lasting appeal. Above are images of collectibles relating to the Flash Gordon franchise. It’s my favourite cult film. A portrait he did of Lily Tomlin hangs in The Smithsonian. Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. See more of Flash_Gordon on Facebook. Ming is a fascistic and totalitarian leader of a police state and expressly compared to the Nazis. Who was underlined to stress that Flash is the hero. The lightning bolt logo with planet Mongo at its center was an American market image. Years later DJ Vanguard released a special re-mix of the single Flash. Unknown to me at the time how many posters exist is incredible. Prepare to save the universe with the King of the Impossible! Ming’s throne looks like the inspiration for the Iron Throne on a certain HBO series. This was unusual at the time. Barin forces Flash to take this test in order to live. All I know is that this work combined two of my favourite things: Flash Gordon and QUEEN. can access 60,000+ archived comics. Flash Gordon was scanned from the original 35mm negative to produce 4K files. Flash Gordon is playing in selected cinemas from 31st July and will be released on 10th August on Blu-ray, DVD, steelbook, UHD Collector’s Edition & digital, courtesy of Studiocanal. The film follows star quarterback Flash Gordon (Jones) and his allies … These serialized adventures were provided as an added attraction at theaters. My previous favourite B Movie … In The Court Of Ming The Merciless at the point in which are trio from Earth first encounter all the ‘breeds’ of Mongo. This set is enormous. Pandemic Passover 2.0: What Have We Learned? This was strong stuff for a pre-teen gay kid! It will be one of the many extras on the upcoming blu-ray sets. “Flash Gordon” was a singular phenomena. Gathering in Court to present their tributes to the Emperor we see rivalries between Hawkmen and Treemen as the two groups argue over who stole their tribute! Appealing to sci-fi/ fantasy geeks around the globe many of whom dress up as their favourite characters for ComicCon and Halloween. Learn how your comment data is processed. On the Top Left are Flash and Ming figures with fold out Vultan’s Cloud Palace backdrop from Biff!Bang!Pow! This movie has become a true cult classic. The Buck Rogers strip was popular enough to inspire other newspaper syndicates to launch their own science fiction strips. Directed by Mike Hodges. Yes, you’re a Hero!”, BA Media Studies The New School Flash Gordon News and Articles Jun 25, 2019 Last modified on Tue 18 Aug 2020 11.36 EDT Brian Blessed has claimed that the Queen revealed to him that her favourite film is Flash Gordon, the 1980 sci-fi in which he stars as Prince Vultan. There the small sized books that you flipped pages fast to create the illusion of motion! Flash Gordon went into dormancy again. Flash Gordon (2020) Sci-Fi; 2020 Latest Articles; Movie Details; Latest 'Flash Gordon' News. There are 4 volumes in this series. InsideEko is yet to confirm Robert … In this he is engaged in tikkum olam, repairing or healing the world of Mongo. Here goes…. I love the film as much as Rocky Horror loyalists. They did a lot with small budgets. #FlashGordon #DjDiablilloChetumal #alfredoymx#LaMaximaAutoridadDisco In celebration of Flash Gordon's 40th anniversary, this collection is the ultimate Flash release. There is a new documentary called Life After Flash now streaming on Amazon Prime. This Fall a new coffee table book will be published called Flash Gordon The Official Story by John Walsh. Putting together an all-star European cast with two unknown Americans as Flash and Dale was an unusual contrast not unlike Star Wars. Ming’s palace is gaudy, dripping with gold, the sort of presidential palace one might find in a tinpot dictatorship of the type lampooned by Sasha Baron Cohen in The Dictator. ( Log Out /  Pacific Comics Club/Club Anni Trenta, 1977 (limited edition for collectors) Mongo, Planet of Doom (1934–35), Kitchen Sink Press ISBN 0-87816-114-7; Three Against Ming (1935–37), Kitchen Sink Press ISBN 0-87816-120-1; The Tides of … Later on I discovered that Star Wars creator George Lucas was a fan of Flash Gordon. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. It tells the story of actor Sam J. Jones’ sudden stardom followed by years outside show business. I put up two of my favourites: All In The Family, Alice, and Richard Chamberlain in Shogun, a mini-series that aired for a week on NBC. We also get your email address to automatically create an account for you in our website. Sam J. Jones had a falling out with the movie’s producers. His work is amazing. On the Kubrick theme, Philip Stone who plays Zogi, the High Priest, appeared as Lloyd the barman in The Shining that same year. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. WhatsApp. After graduating he went on to create the poster art for films like “The Sting” and “Chinatown”. Following the success Queen had with Flash Gordon two other notable rock groups contributed to movie soundtrack albums: Toto’s music was featured in “Dune” and AC/DC’s music was heard in “Maximum Overdrive”. His final movie poster was for “Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome”. Are our Jewish nightmares paling into insignificance? In a nutshell, scientist Dr. Hans Zarkov, football star Flash Gordon (Sam Jones) and travel agent Dale Arden travel to the Planet Mongo, where the tyrant Emperor Ming the Merciless has attacked Earth out of pure boredom. A pinball machine showed up in game arcades which I got to play several times. Flash, according to the Queen lyrics in the theme tune, is the moschiach, or Messiah, the ‘saviour of the universe’ who, like God in the Bible, ‘saves with a mighty hand’. Super producer Dino De Laurentiis (Dune, Barbarella) brought Alex Raymond’s beloved cartoon strip and the long running movie serial to the big screen with celebrated director Mike Hodges … Facebook Twitter Flipboard Reddit Pinterest WhatsApp. I had been enthralled by science fiction and fantasy since the re-runs of Star Trek. Family Guy episode with the Hawkmen. The name AMSEL was signed on Ming’s cloak. The chroma key special effects. The gallery seen below features some of the covers published. Released a year before Flash Gordon in 1979, the box office was good enough for NBC to hire creator Glen A. Larson (Battlestar Galactica, Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, Quincy, M.E., The Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries, B. J. and the Bear, The Fall Guy, Magnum, P.I. As a gay kid in the 1980’s there were a lot of stimulating images in film. …He’s genuinely innocent and you can believe he’s a football player.’ His companion is called Dale Arden. If you choose the wrong path the beast will bite injecting the victim with deadly venom. Posted on July 31, 2020 September 15, 2020 by Richard Brownell. by Paul Metcalf. Try Premium for … Flash Gordon: The Official Story of the Film (2020) Sci-Fi | 27 October 2020 (UK) The official story behind the cult sci-fi hit Flash Gordon. It was on January 22, 1930, that Buck Rogers first ventured into space aboard a rocket ship in his fifth newspaper comic story Tiger Men From Mars. This Fall boss Fight Studio is releasing figures of Flash and Ming to celebrate the 40th Anniversary; Movie posters for the 40th Anniversary Edition. As you would expect for a 4K Remastered Edition. Summer of 1977 marked movie history being made. Ad in Playbill magazine instability, scratches, and again… appeared on Cable television with less encouraging... Could not see the direct lineage of these series until much later by the people who manage and content. 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