The third season of the American political drama television series The West Wing aired in the United States on NBC from October 3, 2001 to May 22, 2002 and … The West Wing is an American serial political drama television series created by Aaron Sorkin that aired on NBC from September 22, 1999 to May 14, 2006. Born during the Clinton years, “The West Wing” always tried and often succeeded at plausible plots and executive branch realism. It is my pleasure to welcome you to the West Wing of the White House. It featured an ensemble cast, regularly starring Matin Sheen, John Spencer, Bradley Whitford, Richard Schiff, Rob Lowe, Allison Janney, Dulé Hill, and Janel Moloney. The West Wing aired for seven seasons on NBC, from 1999 to 2006. The West Wing has expanded and undergone several renovations since then, but it has remained the official workplace of the President. The President and his passionate staff handle crises and score triumphs during Bartlet's first term in office. The West Wing sprang from the mind of screenwriter Aaron Sorkin, and he pulled from a wide variety of sources to give the show's characters their … There is still a large following for The West Wing and it remains relevant today even though its first episodes aired over 20 years ago. "The West Wing" aired on NBC but was produced by Warner Bros. Television, which, like CNN, is a unit of WarnerMedia, which will make a donation to … R unning from 1999-2006, The West Wing loosely spanned the George W Bush era, offering – depending on your position – either a glorious parallel universe in which the White House got it … In 1902, President Theodore Roosevelt relocated his office from the second floor of the residence to this newly constructed building. The first series of the epic drama created by renowned screenwriter Aaron Sorkin. The show follows the staff of the current President of the United States (played by Martin Sheen) as they live their daily lives and deal with the inner workings of the White House. Consultants were brought in who had served in the real-world White House. The West Wing is one of the best shows to have aired in the past 20 years, and probably in all of television. It is an hour long drama that focuses on the inner workings of the White House. The entire series is now available to stream on HBO Max.