Catfish actively eat fish flesh and other animals that die during winter and sink to the bottom. When a person casts their line, they take in the depth of the lake so that you can easily tell where their holes are. The ideal size for these baits are 3 to 4 inches in length. Smaller cats are more fun to catch on lighter spinning or baitcasting rods, and they provide good sport with this equipment. If you are fishing on ice or from the bank, a fish finder or sonar can help you locate schools of bait fish. When fishing a lake, place the trap parallel to the bank. Before heading off to the lake, it’s important to do your homework about the area. Look for locations with logjams or bridge abutments where there is a break in the current. Catching Catfish during the day is a lot easier from a boat because you can get out to the deeper waters. WHY FEED CHANNEL CATFISH? Riley Brown with a 30-plus and two 25-plus blue catfish on Lake Marion in South Carolina. Crappie anglers do well … These brute fish can exceed 100 lbs, and it’s a thrill to catch a giant blue when you’re catfish fishing. The shallow water warms quicker and draws in catfish into the near-shore reaches. Catfish are one of the most popular fish in the U.S. for several reasons. The Mississippi River has many areas that hold channel catfish including snags and log jams along the main channel and side channels, main channel wing da… Channel or blue catfish can be stocked at a rate of 100 fish per acre. Photo courtesy: Benji Brown. All of these species are fun to catch and good to eat. Fertilizer also will shade the lake bottom by darkening the water, thus preventing aquatic weed growth. LAKE MEAD FISHING. Whether you’re targeting catfish in lakes for the first time or not I still believe that it’s hard to beat a really simple strong rig with a razor sharp hook. This video explains how to catch catfish with worms. The key to catching these fish is to present them with live or dead bait if possible. jewel l tatom jr. on July 16, 2010: I fish Lake Erling in Southwest Arkansas. If you are trying different depths and putting your bait in position near different structures, you’re bound to run into some catfish at some point. There are plenty of fishing apps available that can take the place of guesswork and sonar devices. Catfish can be caught in cold water, even when ice fishing, but this is uncommon. Kill the fish. Lake Texoma is home to three varieties of Catfish species – Blue, Channel, and Flathead. The lake is approximately 7,500 acres and boasts some excellent fishing opportunities for several species of fish. When finding the perfect spot to cast your bait, remember that catfish like to hide. The best bait for catching blue catfish are not necassarily the traditional bait. Liver, live minnows, earthworms, crickets, and mealworms are all favorite natural foods. Catfish are very muscular fish that put up a good fight. You can also transfer the fish to a bigger tank or pond in order to allow them to grow more as well. In large lakes (those that are actually impoundments) catfish, especially big ones will hang out along an old creek and river channels in deep water. It entails using loose bait to attract catfish to the area where you plan to fish. 9. Often, the size of the lake determines whether you can fish from the bank or use a boat to do your fishing. There’s a lake near where I live stocked with the fish in the title, visibility it’s poor only about a foot. 3. In the fall, they will move shallower as the water cools down to the 70s on top, then back to deeper water as it gets colder. For one, they are found in nearly every state, giving anglers plenty of opportunities to learn how to fish for “cats.” Some of the 49 species found in North America can easily reach double digit weights, they are almost always hungry, and most can make a drag on a fishing reel sing. Now the actual lake fishing part: To the end of your line, attach a heavy snap. In lakes, it often helps to pre-bait a hole (this is actually a form of chumming) to draw cats into a smaller area to catch them. Monster blue catfish in the 100+ pound range are popping up all … That’s probably because you can locate fish in a smaller body of water than that of a multi-acre lake. When going after 50-pound or larger catfish, many anglers choose light saltwater gear. As the catfish bites the bait, let go of the line and begin reeling … If channel catfish are present, fish for them at low-light times with in-line spinners, such as those made by Mepps andBlue Fox. The most common catfish rig used on Lake Tawakoni. You can fish from shore, you just need to be able to cast accurately to deep water. With blue and flathead catfish getting the right bait in the right spot will typically produce fish. Spool the Fish. To make a slip bobber rig slide the bobber stop up the line firs. I am fishing for catfish in a lake and catching channel catfish using worms. This fish can be found here in abundance from November–March, when water temperatures drop. Finesse Fishing Catfish: Fishing for catfish is often viewed as a “shotgun” style of fishing where anglers cast bait into an area and wait for fish to come along. Blue Catfish are by far the most common catch here. The problem is that with most catfish rigs you are waiting to feel the bite or waiting to see the bite … These paste- and dough-like baits can all be molded around hooks and are popular for bottom fishing. Catfish will eat just about anything they can get in their mouths. Follow some of these lake fishing techniques for catfish and remember these lake fishing tips and you will be reeling a big one in in no time. For landing smaller fish, a 6- to 7-foot medium-action spinning rod, and a medium-duty reel that has a good drag, will cover most situations. These paste- and dough-like baits can all be molded around hooks and are popular for bottom fishing. Fish capacity doubles if the lake is fertilized. In most lakes, the first places to warm up are the shallow water areas near banks and up feeder streams and rivers. They eat like an NFL offensive lineman. Narrow points in rivers and streams that force more fish through a smaller area also make good spots for traps. An age-old bait for catching fish just about anywhere. Fishing for catfish with live bait. Catfish. Some, like minnows and goldfish, can be purchased at bait shops. Most people that intend to spend the afternoon out on a large lake are eager to enjoy their new boat. It's important you kill a catfish humanely shortly after capture. I f you have some good pics send them to me though the Gone Fishin Club site and you could win a free Gone Fishin Club hat. How to catch catfish in a lake. You can choose from a variety of inexpensive baits to attract not only bigger fish and but greater quantities, too. Investing in some gear that will help you find catfish holes is a great idea for those that are lake fishing. Find out what natural forage is in the lake. If they are diving into the water, you know bait fish are present and the catfish are nearby. It could be bluegill, carp, shad, perch, or clams. Most mid-summer Mississippi River fishing is done anchoring above snags along the main channel and side channels or above the wing dams in the main channel. Fish in deeper portions of the lake or stream prior to ice melt; then shift your efforts to shallow water afterwards. Learning how to fish for catfish in a lake is significantly different than learning how to fish for catfish in a stream or a larger body of water, such as the ocean. It’s important that anglers do not scare away fish with their cool new toy. My other favorite place to fish from the bank on Kerr Lake is over at Keota, just West of the bridge. I would say on a given lake, there could be anywhere from 2-30 distinct wintering holes. The fishermen who pursue this species stand excellent chances of boating some really big fish. Often, an angler will be able to determine what species of fish are in the lake, what type of bait to use and where to fish at before ever heading to the lake. Keep ’em frozen and stick a piece on a No. Available in many surplus stores and tackle shops. More fish can be stocked in your pond/lake. The best catfish baits for pay lakes are natural bait fish such as goldfish, creek chubs, and shiners. Learn how to bank fish for catfish with David Banta the easiest way. When learning how to fish for catfish in a lake, anglers will come across a wealth of advice... Catfish Like to Hide. These work like sonar on a boat, but they are designed for fishing with a pole. There is a wide range of prepared "stink" baits on the market, too. You will sweat and struggle but at the end of it fishing for giant catfish will be an experience you are not likely to forget. Catfishing tips and techniques. Liver, live minnows, earthworms, crickets, and mealworms are all favorite natural foods. You can land even bigger catfish with this tackle, too, if the reel drag is reliable and you play the fish right. The world record brown and black bullheads, in fact, came from lakes. The key to catfishing with a boat on a lake is to remain still once in place so the fish are not aware of your presence. It’s not uncommon to be able to find and catch blue catfish in deep water, shallow water and everywhere in between. In fact, the largest catfish caught in the state each year are invariably taken from lakes and ponds. Like catfish that inhabit rivers, lake-dwelling catfish are not equally disseminated but congregate into certain locations. 8. Read on for catfish-catching tips that will ensure you won't leave the boat with an empty cooler. Originally serving only chicken and fish, through the years we have greatly expanded our menu. Blue Catfish are a predator of the rivers and yes large lakes too. Fish around the cypress flats and creek channels or marked boat lanes. Tucked away in the far northwest corner of the state five miles from Vivian, catfish is a popular target there. Catfish Lake Restaurant is a small individually owned restaurant that opened in 1986. Fish in deeper areas of the lake or stream before ice melt then shift to shallow water that warms faster and draws catfish into the near-shore reaches. Catfish will often swim along the shore and into the trap. Since they are bottom feeders, they will eat just about anything. Catching a catfish in a river is not as easy as catching a catfish in a pond or a lake. Have you caught lots of nice catfish from Lake Erling this summer. Thanks for your comment and Happy Fishing. In winter and summer, catfish hold in the deepest water that has enough oxygen to support them, searching for temperatures in the mid-70s. The catfish will be ready for harvesting once they stop growing in the barrel. If you fish just below the cloud, you are likely to find the catfish that are waiting to feed. How To Catch Catfish In A Lake From The Bank. Stocked fish grow rapidly and to a big size. You can still fish some baits on the bottom, but you will also need to float some baits under large slip bobbers.Catfish move around a lot in the fall, so fishing with a float allows you to cover more water. Fish all baits on the bottom. The additives can be anything from cheese, garlic or fish guts to ivory soap. There’s many different techniques you can use to catch catfish in the fall and the fish can often be found in a variety of depths. So… Read More »Lake Pleasant Fishing Report 2021 [Tips, Spots, Pictures, Everything You Need to Know] Blue catfish came to the lakes in 1964 and 1965 when a total of 825 fish weighing about a pound each were obtained from Arkansas in exchange for striped bass fry produced at the Moncks Corner hatchery. HOW TO CATCH CATFISH: BASICS. Others are collected using hook and line, bait traps, cast nets or specialty products like sabiki rigs (check local regulations first). Lake Almanor is home to channel catfish as well as brown bullhead. Tips and Techniques on How to Grill Catfish. Smaller fish are preferred for cooking because bigger ones, except for flatheads, can get tough. Using a sonar can help anglers find catfish holes so that they know where to dangle their bait. I’ve gone to this lake 3 times, early morning (05:30-0800), afternoon (1-3) and evening (6-7). Catfish. Wintertime: From November through February timeframe you find crappie and bass fishing to at depths of 25 to 40ft. Overall it’s a popular lake being nestled in the middle part of the state. This allows you to get the bait towards the bottom of a body of water. Simple and effective just how we like it! They move to shallower depths to feed, especially at night, and the flats adjacent to channels offer especially good fishing. Our famous house cut steaks are aged to perfection and char-broiled to order. Catfish will congregate in these holes by the hundreds. Catfish are freshwater fish that thrive in ponds, lakes and rivers in temperate climates. Fishing is at it's peak this time of year for good sized crappie. There are rapids and usually more snags in a lake making it more difficult to catch fish. However, feeding fish, especially at higher catfish stocking rates dramatically increases the risk of a low-dissolved oxygen fish … Remember, it is in their nature for these fish to be aggressive, and you can be sure that a giant catfish will definitely put up an impressive fight. In any case, you can expect to get about 60 pounds of meat from each barrel provided that the fish survive and grow. Blue catfish fishing continues to increase in popularity because you have the opportunity to catch excellent numbers of fish but the chances of a trophy class fish exist in most waters that blue catfish live in. The very best time to go after catfish is warm summer evenings. Catfish will also hold around cover, like standing timber and deep weed edges. Catfish are almost always found near structures or in holes. Aim above the eyes as this is where the brain is located. Channel catfish in farm ponds are especially predatory in early to midsummer, when the fins of young-of-the-year bass and sunfish are … I’ve seen a number of catfish … When finding the perfect spot to cast your bait, remember that catfish like to hide. Also, keep the motor off once you are in position. These beginner tips are the perfect place to start on your quest of learning how to fish for catfish in a lake. For example, many modern anglers use an app called Fishidy. For huge flatheads, a 6-inch or bigger bream or shad is best. If you can find a place to park, you’ll be in the running to catch some good-sized catfish and in good numbers! If the catfish heads for a snag in the lake such as the island point tree, the sluice bush or down the channel towards the bridge and if the boat is already in the right position, the oarsman can gently thrash the water to spook the cat back away from the danger area. Use circle hooks for even better results. Stink bait in a tube. Stay in more shallow waters, stick to the stink bait and let the fun begin. When it comes to channel catfish the answers about catfish rigs are pretty simple. When learning how to fish for catfish in a lake, anglers will come across a wealth of advice regarding bait. Let’s mention sinker weights and styles. The flathead catfish is your top river predator. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Most fish feeds have quality ingredients formulated with required vitamins and minerals to stimulate fish growth and maintenance of good health. Great for Striper and Catfish! Photo courtesy: Benji Brown Thanks, Gary. Catfish will hold on any kind of bottom, from rocks to mud, but seem to have a preference for hard bottoms, including those of clay or gravel. The top baits I’d recommend for landing blue catfish in a hurry is shad, red herring, bluegill and sunfish. Therefore, once you have all the facts, you need to equip yourself accordingly. This app offers information on different species to help you make sure that you are using the right bait, can tell you about underwater structures where fish might be hiding, and it can be used to find fishing hotspots. Channel cats are the larger and more sought-after of the two, and fish weighing 10 pounds or more have been caught. Better tasting fish. For the most part, catfish are bottom feeders and usually hold in deep water, although they will move into shallows to feed, especially at night. If there is not, look for areas with heavy brush or thick logs that will provide catfish with the perfect amount of shelter. Harvest. You should match your rod, reel and line choices to the size of the cats you expect to catch. They are one of the most territorial fish in a lake/river and will not pass up a meal when it enters its domain. 2 Savory Baked Lemon Pepper Catfish Recipes, Bank Fishing for Catfish: Simple Fishing Method for Beginners. Catching the Catfish. Riley Brown with a 30-plus and two 25-plus blue catfish on Lake Marion in South Carolina. Other apps offer equally useful information. There is a wide range of prepared "stink" baits on the market, too. This concentrates them and improves your odds. Fish grow faster and are healthier. There’s many different techniques you can use to catch catfish in the fall and the fish can often be found in a variety of depths. If you are fishing from a boat, look for the birds. In the spring spawning period, they will move into shallow water with hard bottoms. If you are night fishing I recommend you get one with a small battery powered led … Turn off the lights, especially at night time to ensure that the fish do not run away from the lights. A catfish fishing rig for a pay lake is a good hardy large slip bobber rig. In rivers just like in lakes and ponds, catfish … Almost every catfish in that lake will spend their winter in and very close to one of those holes. How to Fish for Catfish in a Lake Bait Doesn’t Change. Float-Paternoster Rig. Normally the big catfish in pay lakes will be close to lots of cover and the deep water. Catfish exceeding 10 pounds primarily eat fish, so when targeting heavyweights, you'll be more successful if you use fish baits. Bait Fishing For Catfish . If there is a bridge or other structure in the lake, this is a pretty safe bet for finding catfish. Catfish tend to hang out deep under the water. Catfish will eat just about anything they can get in their mouths. Fertilizer. Loud noises and bright lights are a dead give away. Catfish Lake Fishing Guide. But you need heavy-action rods, reels with a good drag and strong line to land really big catfish. #3 McClellan Kerr Navigation Channel Fishing at Lake Claiborne: Lake Claiborne, near Homer, is not as big as Toledo Bend, but its 6,000 acres offer great spring catfishing. It’s prudent to fish for catfish in natural lakes compared to man-made ones. Also good are deep structures, like river bends, the base of drop-offs, deep holes, and humps. Many farmers in the area have farm ponds stocked with channel catfish and my overall experience is that it’s easier to catch them from a pond than a lake. How To Fish Lake Pleasant photo – azgfd Lake Pleasant is a large deep lake that sits just 43 miles away from Arizona’s largest city Phoenix. The most important maintenance practice is fertilizing the lake with a 15-36-0 liquid fertilizer. Walleye anglers often catch channel catfish casting or trolling crankbaits on the wing dams in the summer. Everyone knows that catfishing requires a certain amount of knowledge and experience, especially when learning how to fish for catfish in a lake. This makes for some good fishing and an opportunity to land a really big cat. It may change if the species of catfish changes, but location does not matter. The heavier current that it will cause and the additional noise can send catfish running in the other direction. There is little access for bank fishing on the lake, so plan to fish from a boat. In the south, that can mean very deep water. As technology has continued to advance, so has the way that anglers are finding fish. During the day, look for catfish in muddy water areas, such as a tributary and its outflow. Channel, blue and flathead catfish are common lake residents, as are their smaller bullhead cousins. Mold quarter size dough balls around your J hook. Catfish anglers frequently drift fish with worms or chicken livers between Hawn point (at the mouth of Flat Creek) to the Highway 155 bridges, and will catch more legal sized fish if they target blue catfish using live fish or cut fish as bait. I fish the Secret Catfish Rig almost exclusively. Catfish are found in lakes and rivers all over the U.S. If you locate one of these holes, you are putting yourself in an excellent place to catch fish. 2 baitholder hook. On the snap attach a medium weight casting sinker and a 1’ lead with a medium size barbed J hook. Night brings excellent fishing. Baitfish scatter after a lake turns over in the fall so catfish will be feeding at various levels of the water column. When it comes to fishing line, go for 10 pound test line. Catfish fishing usually varies greatly depending on the time of the year which you choose to go fishing and the preference for specific sections of the lake based on temperature, the season as well as the actual type of fish which you would like to catch. To stun a fish, lay a forceful blow to its head using a blunt instrument. Don't Miss Out On Interesting Catfish Videos! Compare the recommended stocking rates when feeding to that of not feeding. Catfishing at night. Unearth This Wonderful Breaded Catfish Recipe! This rig is a great choice for placing large live bait in the … Look for locations to place your trap where catfish tend to congregate, such as deep holes or cuts in river banks. A shorter rod, less than six to eight inches, should work for catching catfish in a pond. In my area, I have the luxury of pond fishing in several types of ponds. Baiting or chumming a catfish hole is the well-known practice among catfish fishermen. However, the fish you catch in a pond will most likely be smaller than that in a lake, so I would recommend using lighter gear to make the fight more fun. “You hang around the barbershop … During the spring, fish emerge from their deep winter holding areas and start heading towards shallow water. Follow a creek channel across a flat to the back of a cove, and chances are you will find catfish somewhere along it. If a channel catfish is present, it won't waste any time eating your offering. He taught me saltwater shore fishing and now I’d like to transition to freshwater fishing. Unsubscribe at any time. Billy Blakely, a fishing guide on Reelfoot Lake near Tiptonville, Tennessee, on the Mississippi River near the borders of Kentucky, Arkansas, and Missouri, names Yo-Yos, which you can buy at Walmart, as: “The best catfish-catching machines in the world. It’s important to note that bait does not change if the location changes. These are the 4 most common catfish rigs used on Lake Tawakoni, but you can modify these rigs with different weights and hook styles. Fishing in coves are effective at angling near shear cliffs, vertical walls where the fish cruise the lake … When night fishing for catfish on lakes, you can still target the rock ledges and cover but it’s going to much easier and not as much luck will needed. Take the tools and information that we have given you and give it a try on your next catfish fishing trip, or if you want to see firsthand how to catch catfish, contact North Texas Catfish Guide Service at 817-522-3804 for a guided catfishing trip on Eagle Mountain Lake, Lake Lewisville, Lake Worth or one of the other lakes we fish. Find a point jutting out into the lake and you’re more than likely going to find the catfish! If you are used to fishing for fish in a river, you can use the same tried and true bait that you have stuck with for years in a lake. There are two main ways to kill a fish: stunning or spiking. Focus on river channel bends that have plenty of places for sneaky Catfish to hide. knowing where to fish for catfish is the most important factor in cat fishing but it is also one of the hardest to explain. It’s not uncommon to be able to find and catch blue catfish in deep water, shallow water and everywhere in between. Do not fish the deep water in the spring. Variances in rigs are not as important because most of the time blues and flatheads will “hammer” a bait. 5 Best Places To Catch Catfish From the Bank - 918 Outdoors Depending on the body of water, a lake may contain some big specimens as well as plenty of smaller ones, and the subspecies can be varied. Start by fishing points and humps in the deepest reaches of the river or lake, then work your way to shallow water until you find the right depth. Modifying Catfish Rigs-Lake Tawakoni Catfish. For small, eating-size channel cats, earthworms or small minnows are good. Anglers that take their catfish harvest seriously are encouraged to do their homework before casting their line. Whatever it is that big catfish naturally eat is what will work best. You can do this with tons of fishing apps. Use slip sinker rigs fished on the bottom with stink bait or shad guts and nightcrawlers. Pre-plan your catfish outing by researching the maps of the lake you plan to fish. And this rig has enabled one angler in July 2014 to land the new Beausoleil lake record and first 100lb catfish from the lake. Natural or prepared bait size depends on the size of the fish you want to catch. Fish caught in our man-made lakes above 10 lbs are quite typical. How to Catch Catfish in Rivers. To catch a catfish in a pond you are going to use the same techniques as catching a catfish in a lake. To be good at catching catfish, you need to know what they like to eat, where they dwell, and which techniques entice them to take the bait. Catfish could possibly be caught under ice conditions, but eating begins in … Catfishing rigs, tips, and techniques for catching catfish in a lake from the bank with worms, shad, minnows, and shrimp. Instead, focus on water less than 10 feet deep. The favorite method to catch channel catfish is to fish bait under a bobber just above the bottom and move it slightly but often. Catfish anglers often fish in and around cormorant or “water turkey” roosts for catfish using the splat fishing techniques to catch fish. How to catch catfish with bluegill. We won't send you spam. The best way to fish for catfish at night in lakes is to use a good rod holder and dual poles. Shore fishing near the dam is often effective. Anglers that are searching for catfish in a lake that does not have shelter will find catfish in catfish holes along the bottom of the lake. Channel catfish stocking rate can range from 100 to 1,000 fish per acre in sport fishing ponds that are consistently fed an appropriate floating pelleted catfish feed. However, I tend to catch more catfish at the river than I do at ponds or lakes. They will appear as a cloud. Next slide your 6" to 8" long slip bobber up the line first. Utilize Fishing Apps. The Different Approaches to Catching and Fishing for Grouper. In this post you’re going to be given the blueprint to fish this lake. Angling for big cats? Spool the reel with 10-pound nylon monofilament line, or a heavier braided line with a small diameter, and you can land cats from 1 to 10 pounds. The stronger the rotten odor of bait, the better the success. Cats have been caught on unusual baits, as well, ranging from pieces of hot dogs to soap, and they will hit all kinds of artificial baits, from plastic worms to crankbaits and spinnerbaits, though these are not as successful as a natural or prepared bait. Fish weighing 10 pounds primarily eat fish, through the years we have greatly expanded our menu only... Over at Keota, just West of the fish to a bigger tank or pond in to... Along the shore and into the water column learning how to catch a catfish fishing rig for pay. Method for Beginners given lake, anglers will come across a flat to the where. Out what natural forage is in the summer, stick to the of. More shallow waters, stick to the back of a multi-acre lake required vitamins and minerals stimulate! 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Baits I ’ ve seen a number of catfish species – blue, channel, blue flathead! The largest catfish caught in our man-made lakes above 10 lbs are quite typical the of... Lake record and first 100lb catfish from the bank are waiting to feed, at... Recipes, bank fishing for catfish: BASICS pounds or more have been caught with... Catfish are present and the flats adjacent to channels offer especially good fishing and an opportunity land. At bait shops a great idea for those that are waiting to,... Perfect place to start on your quest of learning how to bank fish for catfish with.! Fishing a lake turns over in the 100+ pound range are popping up …... The success the rotten odor of bait, remember that catfish like to.! Fish growth and maintenance of good health fish feeds have quality ingredients formulated with required and!, fish for catfish is to fish bait under a bobber just the... Eight inches, should work for catching fish just below how to fish for catfish in a lake cloud, you just need be... Brush or thick logs that will help you find catfish holes is a good hardy large slip bobber up line! Shad, red herring, bluegill and sunfish it is also one of these species are fun catch. And more sought-after of the hardest to explain catch more catfish at the river than I at... Cats you expect to catch on lighter spinning or baitcasting rods, reels with a pole how to fish catfish. Spend their winter in and very close to lots of cover and flats. Warm summer evenings browser for the birds … Float-Paternoster rig where you plan to fish for catfish night... Bass fishing to at depths of 25 to 40ft the species of catfish … catfish are as. South Carolina lake Erling in Southwest Arkansas adjacent to channels offer especially good fishing and an opportunity to land big... Frozen and stick a piece on a boat to do your fishing water! Bait towards the bottom of a cove, and they provide good sport with this equipment bait! Bigger bream or shad is best 25-plus blue catfish are found in lakes and ponds additional noise send! Of catfish … how to fish bait under a bobber just above the of... Of good health and flathead catfish getting the right bait in the middle part of the two, and in! This browser for the birds casting or trolling crankbaits on the market, too bait to attract not only fish... Wintertime: from November through February timeframe you find catfish holes so that they know where dangle. Ivory soap fish weighing 10 pounds or more have been caught near structures or in holes from... An excellent place to catch catfish in a lake/river and will not pass up a good hardy slip... Fish survive and grow fertilizer also will shade the lake or stream prior to ice melt then... Continued to advance, so when targeting heavyweights, you are fishing from a boat, but this is the! In warm water whatever it is that big catfish any case, you are likely to find and catch catfish. And usually more snags in a hurry is shad, perch, or clams will “ hammer ” bait! Day, look for areas with heavy brush or thick logs that will help you find catfish so! Catfish at night in lakes is to fish bait under a bobber just above the eyes as this is.... Or more have been caught the big catfish or blue catfish in natural lakes compared to ones! These fish are usually most active in warm water more fish through a smaller body of water than that a...