Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, I made you out of clay When it gets all tired, it drops and then I win! Oh, sorry Oh, how precious! In order to win, be the last player to have gelt! From shop ShuliDesigns. Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel is a children's Chanukah/Hanukkah song from Let's Eat!. a 4-sided toy marked with Hebrew letters and spun like a top in a game of chance… See the full definition טאָ לאָמיר אַלע שפּילן, אין דריידל, איינס און צוויי. The song first appears in Jesus vs. Santa. Groups of up to four friends can play together, or single players can compete against the computer. Stan: spinning top, dreidel, wooden spinning top, birthday gift, gift for kids, collectible, gift for dancer, tiny dancer, dancer miniature, NeotSemadarArtCenter. "I have a little dreidel, I made it out of clay. 650 1 |a Hanukkah|v Songs and music: 650 1 |a Songs: 700 1 |a Paschkis, Julie,|d 1957-|e illustrator.|4 ill: 949 The letters stand for the Hebrew phrase "Nes Gadol Haya Sham," meaning "a great miracle happened there." Hello, everybody. Goldfarb). Get a dreidel. I'll try to make it spin Stan: "What?" The dreidel’s letters remind us of the many times Jews were under threat. Gerald: "Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel", also known as "The Dreidel Song" and "I Have a Little Dreidel", is a Jewish song that has appeared a few times in the series, beginning with the Season One episode, " Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo ". [long pause] The so-called Dreidel is an instrument that is being played by most children and kids at heart. It has a lovely body, with legs so short and thin. The numerical value of the dreidel’s nun, gimmel, hey and shin is 358. I have a little dreidel. This scene is briefly recalled in "A Very Crappy Christmas". (singing) "Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, I made you out of clay. When it's dry and ready, dreidel I shall play. Here's a little dreidel that's small and made of clay 1-800-Dreidel is a web site of fun and unusual judaic items. Gerald: Dad! I'll try to make it spin Stan: A favorite Hanukkah pastime enjoyed by families for many years, a dreidel is a spinning top adorned with four Hebrew letters that celebrate the miraculous victory of the Maccabees over the ancient Greek army and the rededication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. Cartman: Hey, what the hell are you doing? We're playing dreidel. What's going on? Kumt lomir ale shpiln, in dreydl – eyns, tsvey, dray. The song is about making a dreidel and playing with it. [5]) There is a question about who composed this music since the melody for both the Yiddish and the English versions are precisely the same. Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel--" Stan: Happy Hanukkah! Um, this song, like, go all the way H-I-J-K-L-O-P "A Great Miracle Happened There!" "I'll try to make it spin, it fell, I'll try again." I'll try to make it spin Stan: In Hebrew, each letter has a numerical value. Courtney Cox, I love you Most believe that neither Goldfarb nor Grossman actually copyrighted the song and it was not included in Goldfarb's own printed book of songs because of this fact. Dad? I made it out of clay. I'll try to make it spin book. This Wooden Dreidel With A Matching Stand Is Hand Painted In Acrylic Colors With Beautiful Images Of Jerusalem. Now when you learn to make the dreidel spin Oh, dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, oh, dreidel, dreidel, spin. Stan: Huh? Sure! Gerald: Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel! Okay Ike, you're my little brother, so I have to show you how to celebrate Hanukkah. Sheila: To lomir ale shpiln, in dreydl, eyns un tsvey. Then dreidel I shall play! "I Have a Little Dreidel" (also known as "The Dreidel Song" or "Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel") is a children's Hanukkah song in the English-speaking world that also exists in a Yiddish version called "Ikh Bin A Kleyner Dreydl", (Yiddish: איך בין אַ קלײנער דרײדל Lit: I am a little dreidel German: Ich bin ein kleiner Dreidel). It's so amazing. Celebrate this season of lights with the traditional Jewish game of Dreidel. Kyle: And when it's dry and ready, with dreidel I shall...everybody! See more ideas about dreidel, hanukkah, festival lights. Sheila: "Yeah, I think so." Dreidel, then, is a practical lesson in discovering the value of fairness both to oneself and to others, in a context in which the rules are unclear, there are norm violations that aren’t rules violations, and both norms and rules are negotiable, varying by occasion — just like life itself, only with mediocre chocolate at stake. The dreidel you will get will depend on where you live. Come celebrate Hanukkah with the Cohen Family! Oh, it's that Hannukah thing At the heart of our collection is the largest selection of Jewish themed fabrics on the internet and the craft items that cannot be found elsewhere. [1] The song was written in 1927. What is a dreidel? It fell, I'll try again I am a little dreidel, I am made from lead. Sheila: Later, in "Mr. Hankey's Christmas Classics", Kyle begins singing the song as "I Have A Little Dreidel" to Ike Broflovski while instructing him on how to play with the dreidel. Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, with dreidel I shall play טאָ לאָמיר אַלע שפּילן, אין דריידל, איינס און צוויי. קומט לאָמיר אַלע שפּילן, אין דריידל – איינס, צוויי, דרײַ. In this version, Kyle is the only one singing the original words. Oh, dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, oh dreidel, dreidel, spin. This is a great little book. A dreidel is a spinning top with four sides, each inscribed with a letter of the Hebrew alphabet. You're supposed to sing Hannukah songs." Say, can I join in? But I'm not gonna play with it, 'cause dreidel's fuckin' gay Come let's all play dreidel – one two three. The lyrics for the English version were written by Samuel S. Grossman[1] and the composer of the English version is listed as Samuel E. Goldfarb (also S.E. 5 out of 5 stars (66) $ 83.42 FREE shipping Favorite Add to Vintage Miniature Royal Worcester Company Palissy Vase DenaByRiches. אוי, דריידל, דריידל, דריידל, אוי, דריי זיך, דריידל, דריי. Oh, hi Dad! It has a lovely body, with legs so short and thin. Each side is imprinted with a Hebrew letter: נ (Nun), ג (Gimmel), ה (Hay), or ש (Shin). The Dreidel Game Originated Out Of Life Or Death Circumstances. Stan later joins in with a verse of his own. The traditional observances of Hanukkah include lighting a menorah,or ceremonial candelabra, spinning a top called a dreidel and eating foods cooked in oil, like latkes (potato pancakes) and doughnuts. "I Have a Little Dreidel"[1] (also known as "The Dreidel Song"[1] or "Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel") is a children's Hanukkah song in the English-speaking world that also exists in a Yiddish version called "Ikh Bin A Kleyner Dreydl", (Yiddish: איך בין אַ קלײנער דרײדל Lit: I am a little dreidel German: Ich bin ein kleiner Dreidel). Oh dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, then dreidel I shall play. It’s celebrated for eight days and nights and usually falls in December. Kyle's parents also eventually join in, and they all end up singing their own verses in concert. You boys are all playing dreidel. Cartman: Playing the dreidel by many children these days originated the legend… To lomir ale tantsn, a dreydl-karahod. Sheila: I have a little dreidel, I made it out of clay Jews play stupid games To lomir ale shpiln, in dreydl, eyns un tsvey. Read 8 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. "Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel", also known as "The Dreidel Song" and "I Have a Little Dreidel", is a Jewish song that has appeared a few times in the series, beginning with the Season One episode, "Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo". Come play now let's begin. It is a spinning top that can land on any of its four sides. You'll know our people always win Jun 27, 2013 - A collection of traditional, unique, fun, and colorful dreidels. Kyle: Hey, shut your mouth, fatass! Album It has a lovely body With legs so short and thin And when my dreidel s tired It drops and then I win! After the boys come to the conclusion that Christmas is all about presents, Kyle announces that if you're Jewish, you get presents for eight days. You spin it and see where it lands, and you sing this song In the short, the boys sing "We Wish You A Merry Christmas" before Stan Marsh interrupts the song, asking Kyle Broflovski if he's Jewish. "Dude, Jewish people don't celebrate Christmas. So let's all play dreidel, one and two. Kyle: [2][3][4] The Yiddish version was both written and composed by Mikhl Gelbart,[1] albeit under the name of Ben Arn, a pseudonym referring to himself as the son of Aaron. While Ike attempts to sing the song, he instead sings lines of "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and the alphabet song. Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, with dreidel I shall play, See Also: List of Songs | List of Minor Characters from Season One | Season One, See Also: List of Songs | List of Minor Characters from Season Three | Season Three. Un ikh hob lib tsu tantsn, zikh dreyen in a rod. Learn to make the dreidel spin Mr. Hankey's Christmas Classics Written by My dreidel's always playful. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Oh dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, I made you out of clay We have items for all the Jewish holidays including do-it … Hello boys! I have a little dreidel. Oh dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, I made it out of clay. University of Pennsylvania Library: Freedman Collection of Recorded Jewish Music, "My Father's Songs – Jewish American Songster", "The Secret History of 'I Have a Little Dreidel, "The hidden history of 'I Have a Little Dreidel, Lori Cahan-Simon Ensemble / Vessel of Song: The Music of Mikhl Gelbart, Erran Baron Cohen Presents: Songs In The Key Of Hanukkah, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=I_Have_a_Little_Dreidel&oldid=1010608305, Articles containing Yiddish-language text, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz work identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 6 March 2021, at 10:33. A dreidel is a spinning top, with four sides, each marked with a different Hebrew letter (nun, gimel, hay and shin). I could watch it all day. Dreidel definition is - a 4-sided toy marked with Hebrew letters and spun like a top in a game of chance. Dreidel I've sung this song for goodness only knows hwo many years now this year I found some suitably sized wood in our wood bag at work, I'm still new to woodcarving but, I managed to gradually carve the sides down they sloped to meet at a central point in the middle. It loves to dance and spin. DREIDEL, DREIDEL, DREIDEL...", Kyle: Designed By Yair Emanuel In Israel, The Dreidel Is the Perfect Gift For A Dreidel Collector. Kyle: Play, came down the rain and wash the spider out Kyle: I have a little dreidel. Kyle: Cartman: Sing along to the classic Hanukkah song in this shiny board book shaped just like a dreidel! Gerald: I made it out of clay. Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, with dreidel I shall play / When it's dry and ready, with dreidel I shall play." Kyle: A happy game of dreidel, come play now let's begin. Kyle: Using the classic song "I Have a Little Dreidel," follow along as the different animal families light the menorah, fry the latkes, and of course, spin the dreidel! We'll talk about this later, Gerald Oh dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, I made you out of clay. When The Jews Refused To Convert And Remained Steadfast And True To The Jewish Religion The Frustrated Greek Syrians Created Laws Against Studying From The Torah As Well As Other Ritual Observances. Hi, mom So let's all dance a dreidel-circle. You wanna try? The scene then cuts to Kyle in the asylum, singing the song in a somewhat crazed fashion. Oh dreidel, dreidel, dreidel. Product Title Teetotum Dreidel Hanukkah Jewish Dreidels Blue Fabri ... Average rating: 0 out of 5 stars, based on 0 reviews Current Price $11.75 $ 11 . Jews play stupid games (Kyle: Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, I made you out of clay) So let's all play dreidel, one and two. Ikh bin a kleyner dreydl, gemakht bin ikh fun blay. Kyle: Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel! chorus: Oh - dreidel, dreidel, dreidel I made it out of clay And when it's dry and ready Then dreidel I shall play! The illustrations are hand drawn, sweet and colorful -- a child making a dreidel out of clay as a gift for mom, and then playing dreidel with other children at a family Hanukkah gathering. Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel I made it out of clay … Let’s be honest, Who has time to make dreidels out of clay? Kyle: Oh, hey, Cartman. Stan: When it gets all tired, it drops and then I win! Mikhl Gelbart (music)Samuel Goldfarb (music)Samuel S. Grossman (lyrics) It fell, I'll try again This is also the numerical value of some key words in Hebrew. [Kober, Shahar] on Amazon.com. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. And when it's dry and ready, then dreidel I shall play. It fell, I'll try again And when it's dry and ready, with dreidel I shall play A Dreidel is a four-sided item that was marked with several letters written in the Hebrew language, and these Hebrew letters are shin, hay, gimel, and nun. 75 - $38.00 $ 38 . Outside of Israel, the four letters … Now you try it, Ike. Oh dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, it loves to dance and spin. Play Replay with sound The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism (formerly known as The United Synagogue of America) is believed to be the first to publish the song in a collection of songs with its first printing in 1950 of the book, The Songs We Sing by Harry Coopersmith. You'll need an HTML5 capable browser to see this content. The dreidel or sevivon is perhaps the most famous custom associated with Hanukkah.Indeed, various rabbis have tried to find an integral connection between the dreidel and the Hanukkah story; the standard explanation is that the letters nun, gimmel, hey, shin, which appear on the dreidel in the Diaspora, stand for nes gadol haya sham–“a great miracle happened there,”while in Israel … Oh dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, then dreidel I shall play. This is called a dreidel. You're so hot on that show Unique Dreidel, classic toy for all ages, blue, turquoise and white spinning top, Judaica, polymer clay Dreidel, great Hanukkah gift idea ShuliDesigns. Jews, that's why they're lame Kyle: Our goal is to provide you with unique and high-quality Hanukkah items that you can enjoy with your family each Hanukkah season for years to come. And when it's dry and ready, then dreidel I shall play. "That's a stupid song. אוי, דריידל, דריידל, דריידל, אוי, דריי זיך, דריידל, דריי. Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, I made you out of clay The Dreidel Company is a direct-to-consumer provider. The writers of the song in English only translated the original Yiddish version which was considered a folk song with the lyrics written by Mikhl Gelbart. Jesus vs. Santa"Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo""Mr. Hankey's Christmas Classics". Oh dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, I made you out of clay I have a little dreidel, I made it out of clay In "Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo", while Kyle is committed to the asylum and everyone is about to begin their "non-offensive non-denominational holiday play," Sheila Broflovski wishes that Kyle was there to see it. Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel Jews, that's why they're lame (Kyle: Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, with dreidel I shall play) Introduce your child to an exciting Hanukkah tradition with this shaped board book made to look just like a dreidel! Yes, we know, Ms. Broflovski, it's so very interesting The Dreidel Measures 3.6" x 1.4". טאָ לאָמיר אַלע טאַנצן אַ דריידל-קאַראַהאָד. Stan and Eric Cartman then decide that they want to be Jewish too. Performed by The boys leave, singing the song. The dreidel is a child's toy that is traditionally used at Hanukkah. Courtney Cox... Numerical Surprises. "When you learn to make the dreidel spin, you'll know our people always win. און איך האָב ליב צו טאַנצן, זיך דרייען אין אַ ראָד. You'll know our people always win, keep spinning! Oh dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, then dreidel I shall play. Oy, dreydl, dreydl, dreydl, oy, drey zikh, dreydl, drey The lyrics are traditional - two verses and chorus. Oh dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, it drops and then I win! Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, with dreidel I shall play. Cartman then enters with his own anti-Semitic verse. 5 … I made it out of clay. Second verse, same as the first! Kyle Broflovski, Eric Cartman, Ike Broflovski, Stan Marsh, Sheila Broflovski, Gerald Broflovski "Courteney Cox, I love you, you're so hot, on that show. In the English version, the singer has a four-sided spinning top made out of clay. ", Kyle: The meaning of the lyrics to the Yiddish and English versions is largely the same. And I love to dance, to spin in a circle. ", Kyle: Let me try. You spin this thing on the ground and it goes round and round. Ike: Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, with leg so short and thin. “Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel”, also known as “The Dreidel Song” and “I Have a Little Dreidel”, is a Jewish song that has appeared a few times in the series, beginning with the Season 1 – “Mr. It was heard prior to that in the short, Jesus vs. Santa. 00 Oh dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, I made you out of clay The custom of playing dreidel on Hanukkah is based on a legend that, during the time of the Maccabees, when Jewish children were forbidden from studying Torah, they would defy the decree and study anyway.When a Greek official would come close they would put away their books … Become A Better Singer In Only 30 Days, With Easy Video Lessons! The song is about making a dreidel and playing with it. We will supply the dreidels Sunday, December 2nd 7:00 p.m. 456 Northbrook Lane, Raleigh RSVP to Marie by November 25 th 555.623.1478 Cartman: Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel! Sheila: Oy, dreydl, dreydl, dreydl, oy, drey zikh, dreydl, drey. איך בין אַ קליינער דריידל, געמאַכט בין איך פון בלײַ. It was heard prior to that in the short, Jesus vs. Santa. Episode |a An illustrated retelling of the classic Hannukah song, with directions for playing the dreidel game and a recipe for making latkes. Our Price: $13.95 Kyle: List of Minor Characters from Season Three, https://southpark.fandom.com/wiki/Dreidel,_Dreidel,_Dreidel?oldid=456486. Cartman: Sure. Play stupid games... Jews... That's why they're lame." Gerald: Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, with dreidel I shall play We're singing about a dreidel "Aren't you Jewish, Kyle?" The Greek Syrians Had Tried To Convert The Jewish People To Their Own Pagan Ways. Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, with dreidel I shall play South Park Archives is a FANDOM TV Community. We manufacture and sell exclusively to our customers. Now you know that dreidel is a time-honored tradition for the Hebrew people. Just spin it with your fingers, like this However, in English, the singer sings about a dreidel, whereas in the original Yiddish version, the singer is the four-sided spinning top made out of "blai" (Yiddish: בלײַ‎), which translates to lead. "Wait a minute!" Oh dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, I made it out of clay. Gerald: "Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, I made you out of clay. 521 8 |a NP|b Lexile: 650 0 |a Children's songs|v Texts: 650 1 |a Dreidel (Game)|v Songs and music. Gadol Haya Sham, '' meaning `` a Very Crappy Christmas '' is also the value! Tsvey, dray shaped board book made to look just like a dreidel and playing with it at. Spin, it drops and then I win stars ( 66 ) 83.42. This version, Kyle is the Only one singing the original words so I have to show you how celebrate! Players can compete against the dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, singing the song, with Easy Video Lessons 're so hot, that... Tried to Convert the Jewish people do n't celebrate Christmas version, Kyle: oh,,... 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